Friday, May 31, 2019
Joan of Arc :: Essays Papers
Joan of Arc2Joan of Arc is a French national heroine and Frances booster saint. She was born on June 6, 1412. Her nickname was The Maid of Orleans in honor of her victory against the British. She was the daughter of prosperous peasants Jacques Darc and Isabelle de Vouthon, who were farmers, from the village of Doremy in Lorraine, close to the border of the earth of France. During her childhood she tended her fathers herds in the fields and was taught religion and housekeeping skills from her mother. Joan was a simple, illiterate peasant girl.She started having visions and hearing voices around the age of 13. The voices were afterwards set as those of St. Gabriel, St. Michael, St. Marguerite, and St. Catherine. This made her believe that God wanted France to be free from the British. The voices first told her to cut her hair, dress in a mans uniform, and assemble the military. Then they told her to go to the land of France, and to raise siege in the city of Orleans, because to c ome to the aid of the Dauphin forces, heir to the French throne, and the kingdom of France. She told the captain of the dauphins forces about the voices. Joan was given her own troops and the rank of captain. Her first triumph was to lead a French army against the English, who had invaded the city of Orleans. In May 1429 she light-emitting diode her troops in a victory in the Battle of Orleans. Joan rescued France from what could have been a defeat in the Hundred Years War. Joan continued trash the enemy along the Loine River.King Charles VII (seventh) was crowned king on July 17, 1429. At his coronation Joan was given a place of honor next to the king. She was later ennobled for her services to the country. Her supporters believed she was divinely inspired and supported her. But others saw her as an agent of the devil and wanted her to be tried as a witch. scorn the people who didnt believe her she still believed that her visions were sent from God. She was captured about Ma y 23,1430 at Crecy by the Burgundians fighting on the Englishs side. She was then sold to the English when her king did not ransom her. She was tried by an ecclesiastical court from January to May of the next year on charges of witchcraft and heresy.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Kent State Essay -- National Guard History Kent State Essays
Kent StateIn 1970 the nation was in its highest state of controversy. The generation gap that had begun to form in the sixties was nowadays much of a ravine. The youth of America was finally standing up and raising their voices in protest against all the problems that plagued the country they would have control of in long time to come. There were many events that helped in feeding the flame in the hearts of Americans. One much(prenominal) event was the Kent State University incident. It is an event that touched the nation and make such a profound mark, and yet it only lasted for thirteen seconds. In the thirteen seconds the Ohio National keep an eye on, along with the rest of government by association, established themselves as the new enemy. All eyes were on them, scrutinizing their every move, pointing out every mistake they made. Interestingly full, most dont even really enjoy exactly what went on in those thirteen seconds, but they knew that it left four students dead and n ine injured at the hand of the National Guard, so that was enough to strike the hearts on millions. Still today, twenty-nine years later, we tranquillise dont really know what went on. Who fired the first shot, and were they provoked? Was it infallible for the National Guard to be present on this typically calm college campus in the first place? And why did it have to end in such tragedy? There are so many questions, and so many misconceptions nearly this incident, and like any controversial issue, there are always ii sides to the story. Before choosing sides one must always look at the facts. The most important fact to know about the situation at Kent State University is that in the days before the shootings, the campus was anything but calm. It all began on Thursday, April 30,... ...nd nobody has been to this.In all of the books, magazine articles, and web pages dedicated to this subject, it is impossible to find an unbiased one. I have to admit that I did go into my res earch in favor of the students, but the more I read of the situation on campus in the days prior to the shooting, the more I found myself asking How I would I have handled a situation like that if I had been a member of the Guard? I can only conclude that there is no right answer to that. There are so many questions, and so many misconceptions about this incident, and like any controversial issue, there are always two sides to the story. Now that I have thoroughly studied both sides to the story, I still have no idea who I think was in the wrong. There are simply too many unanswerable wholes in the stories from both sides that now I cant say Im for or against either one.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Motion Picture History Essay examples -- essays research papers
Before World War I, paintings were being made mostly European countries and in Japan. When the war interrupted European filmmaking, however, the American film industry began to dominate the world market. In the years between 1917 and 1927 the silent film reached the peak of its development. United States had the largest film industry and American films dominated the international market. Ger some and Japan still had some movie industries nevertheless mostly left to domestic. Many nations found film production as a matter of importance to national culture, sometimes by limiting on film imports. D. W. Griffith transformed early day of domestic production to an era of Hollywoods worldwide dominance. major companies that dominated Hollywood were Fox, Paramount, Warner Brothers, MGM, Columbia, and United Artists. One of the famous MGM movies was a silent version of Ben Her. Hollywood films became increasingly expensive to feature as productions became more spectacular, and the stars demanded enormous salaries. As Hollywood and film industries elsewhere produced hundreds of films each year, certain standardized forms took precedence over individual creative inspiration. Movies follow categories, known as genres, from earlier arts and popular entertainment. These included comedy, the Western, mystery, horror, romance, melodrama, and the war story. More and more large cinemas were built, and the major producers expanded their distributing systems and bought entire chains of theaters. Major studios attempted to produce a picture a week. A typical film show consisted of a feature starring big-name players, a short comedy, and a newsreel. The 1922 film Nanook of the North, directed by the American Robert Flaherty, is often credited as the first great achievement of documentary film. Most of the films made during this period reflected the unwavering pace and materialistic concerns of the nations prosperous "flapper" era. While settings and costumes were ofte n elaborate, film stories were often shallow. Most people went to the "movies" to see film stars, and it was often the star who saved a poor film from being a total failure. Some stars, seeking freedom from the mass-production methods of large studios, banded together to form distributing companies to market films they made in their own studios. United Artists, formed in 1919 by Griffith, Chaplin, Douglas Fa... ...eras and stages. Movement in most of the early sound films appeared static, because cameras had to be enclosed in soundproof boxes that were surd to move. Eventually cameras with noiseless gears were developed microphones were put on booms, or poles, which could be extended as needed. Early cameras used a number of different speeds for exposing frames, but by the advent of sound film in the late 1920s the standard had become 24 frames per second. The sound revolution ended the careers of many silent-film performers whose voices did non record well, but it also b rought new performers to the screen who had stage experience in speaking roles. Playwrights who knew how to write dramatic dialogue were hired to replace silent-screen scenario writers, and many plays were filmed for the screen because they provided ready-made dialogue. With the coming of sound, film animation increased popularity. Walt Disney made the first animated cartoon with synchronized sound, Steamboat Willie in 1928, which was the third film to feature the popular Mickey Mouse character. The Great Depression of 1929 did a little to affect Hollywood but ironically increased the efficiency of films production.
Base Details :: essays research papers
BASE DETAILS - ESSAY In the poem, "Base Details", SiegFried Sassoon expresses his great disgust towards the study in the military machine. He is horrified and outrage at the way the majors act trance workforce atomic number 18 dying out in the battle field. Mr. Sassoon is so furious towards the majors that it takes to a greater extent than just one word to describe how indignified Sassoon is. These great feelings of anger are derived from the fact that the majors are living a life of luxury while sending young men "up the derivation" out into the battle field. This is all suggested in the title of the poem with the word "base" suggesting a military base, and/or a base person. And the word "details" suggesting a command, an assignment, and something or someone lowly. "Base Details" is a poem which expresses the feelings of the author towards military majors using differentiable types of imagery. &nbs p The poem begins by Sassoon describing the majors as demanding, mean, and belligerent men. Bald, out-of-shape and full of gluttony. Sassoon categorizes the majors under the word scarlet signifying childless, bright redness from profuse intoxication and yelling of anger. Sassoon presents to us the fact of the majors sending up the young men as soon as they are drafted "up the line to death." This attitude taken from the majors is what angers Sassoon to the point of hatred. To convince the reader of such horrific truth, Sassoon describes how disrespectful the majors are with their "puffy petulant faces" from eating and drinking excessively. Sassoon states how the majors are stuffing their faces and "Reading the Roll of Honor" in safe luxurious hotels while men are dying out on the field. For this, Sassoon feels so contemptuous towards the majors for they are demanding but hypocritical. They give out stric t orders and boss soldiers around while they sit down and be tyrannical. They are just so barbaric and arrogant and show so much disrespect for those who have died in battle that it is not only ridicules to Sassoon but belike for the reader as well. It is just so unbelievable how these majors can sit scarlet and short of breath belittling and not recognizing the heroic actions of the men in the battle field by referring to them as "poor young chaps." When in comfort smoking their cigars, they use words which are definitely not suitable for the conditions.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
A Character Study on Tybalt and Mercutio, and as Director What :: Drama
A Character Study on Tybalt and Mercutio, and as Director WhatInstructions I would give the Actors Taking on their PartsRomeo and Juliet is a world famous play written by WilliamShakespeare. The tale is of two lovers suicide when their feudingfamilies keep them apart. The families go been verbalise enemies forgenerations they are wealthy, powerful and often violent. Somecharacters are quiet without much involvement, others the playrevolves around, Tybalt and Mercutio are somewhere in the middle theydo non greatly contribute to the main story line, however they formthe base of it, even though they both are killed early on. They createthe atmosphere and ingenuousness aspect in the story.The prologue sets the scene, briefly summarizing the story andemphasising the trouble in Verona. We are told of the feud between twocredential families, the Montagues and the Capulets, there have beenthree cultivated brawls caused by them, from ancient grudge beaks newmutiny the city is in chaos. T his makes the environment for Tybaltideal, as he relishes fighting.Tybalt (A.K.A prince of cats) is a passionate swordsman. He was bornto violent multiplication in troubled Verona, therefore he lives and breathesfighting. He has known nothing but chaos throughout his life as he isa Capulet, sworn enemy to all Montagues and their companions(including Mercutio, Romeos Montague best friend). Tybalt lives tothe extreme, his mannerisms are eccentric and he repeatedlyoverreacts, he takes simple things out of context and always reactsviolently as he knows nothing else. For example, in Act1 Scene1, asBenvolio seeks peace he cries what, art tho drawn amongst theseheartless hinds? Turn thee Benvolio and look upon thy death. Thisshows his willingness to kill without mercy, on the slightestpretence. Therefore considering for the first time impressions, as director I wouldchose an actor to be Tybalt that has an Italian influence in hisappearance, and accent. He would have rugged features and de ep,brown, fiery eyes to correlate with his delicate temper, this in myopinion, giving the impression of a key member in a Mafia. He wouldhave brown/black short hair and a belittled goatee but the rest of hisface would be clean-shaven to show he takes great pride in hisintimidating appearance. His clothes would also reflect this, exhaustingdark colours and always looking smart, again based on the stereotypeof a gang member. He should be wearing a purity shirt open at the top,black jacket and trousers with shiny back shoes, he would always lookcalm and collected as though he enjoyed life and hadnt a care in the
A Character Study on Tybalt and Mercutio, and as Director What :: Drama
A Character Study on Tybalt and Mercutio, and as Director WhatInstructions I would give the Actors Taking on their PartsRomeo and Juliet is a world famous play written by WilliamShakespeare. The tale is of two lovers suicide when their feudingfamilies keep them apart. The families have been sworn enemies forgenerations they are wealthy, powerful and often violent. close tocharacters are quiet without much involvement, others the playrevolves around, Tybalt and Mercutio are somewhere in the middle theydo not greatly contribute to the main story line, yet they formthe base of it, even though they both are killed early on. They createthe atmosphere and reality aspect in the story.The prologue sets the scene, briefly summarizing the story andemphasising the care in Verona. We are told of the feud between twocredential families, the Montagues and the Capulets, there have beenthree civil brawls caused by them, from ancient grudge beaks newmutiny the metropolis is in chaos. This makes the environment for Tybaltideal, as he relishes fighting.Tybalt (A.K.A prince of cats) is a passionate swordsman. He was bornto violent times in troubled Verona, therefore he lives and breathesfighting. He has known nothing but chaos throughout his life as he isa Capulet, sworn enemy to all Montagues and their companions(including Mercutio, Romeos Montague best friend). Tybalt lives tothe extreme, his mannerisms are grapheme and he repeatedlyoverreacts, he takes simple things out of context and always reactsviolently as he knows nothing else. For example, in Act1 Scene1, asBenvolio seeks peace he cries what, art tho drawn amongst theseheartless hinds? Turn thee Benvolio and look upon thy death. Thisshows his willingness to kill without mercy, on the slightestpretence. Therefore considering first impressions, as director I wouldchose an actor to be Tybalt that has an Italian influence in hisappearance, and accent. He would have rugged features and deep,brown, fiery eyes to correlate wi th his delicate temper, this in myopinion, giving the impression of a key fellow member in a Mafia. He wouldhave brown/black short hair and a small goatee but the rest of hisface would be shaven to show he takes great pride in hisintimidating appearance. His clothes would also reflect this, wearingdark colours and always looking smart, again based on the stereotypeof a gang member. He should be wearing a white shirt open at the top,black ceiling and trousers with shiny back shoes, he would always lookcalm and collected as though he enjoyed life and hadnt a care in the
Monday, May 27, 2019
Prostate Cancer Life Experiences Health And Social Care Essay
Each twelvemonth in the UK around 10, 150 dice from prostatic cancerous neoplastic infirmity. prostatic cancerous neoplastic illness decease rates peaked in the early 1990s and incur since f all in all(a)en by around 20 % . conversion in incidence rates around the universe and inside states, suggests that hazard is affected by ethnicity. In the UK, black Caribbean and black African graze forces have about two to tierce cartridge clips the hazard of being diagnosed or deceasing from prostatic gland gland malignant neoplastic complaint than white work forces, while Asian work forces by and large have a lower hazard than the national norm.The purpose of this systematic reappraisal is to set up what is meant by prostatic malignant neoplastic disease and the action experiences of patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease undergoing intervention. To accomplish these aims, with the embolden of the PIO formatted query, explore surveies go out be searched fro m different databases, from specializer diaries, cyberspace, and gray literature, in-touch with writers and from manus pursuit. With the aid of two research role players with a 3rd individual to c all(prenominal)where with confliction sentiments, learnings will be extracted from the published surveies, which will be themed and secernate with colour codifications. It will be analyzed consequently with the aid of standardised kinds. From this reappraisal, nurses will understand what prostate malignant neoplastic disease sequencencies and they will retrieve it easier to cover with these patients when they ar faced with this crystalise of state of affairs.Chapter ONE Background1.1 Specifying equivocal footingsThe prostate is a secretory organ in a adult male person s generative system. It makes and shops germinal fluid, a milky fluid that nourishes sperm. This fluid is released to organize portion of seeds. The prostate is about the size of a walnut. It is located below the urinary vesica and in forepart of the rectum. It surrounds the upper portion of the urethra, the tubing that empties piss from the vesica. If the prostate grows excessively big, the flow of urine can be slowed or stopped. To work decently, the prostate needs male endocrines ( androgens ) . Male endocrines are responsible for male sex features. The chief male endocrine is testosterone, which is made chiefly by the testiss. Some male endocrines are produced in little sums by the adrenal secretory organs. prostate malignant neoplastic disease is a malignant tumor that arises in the prostate secretory organ. As with any malignant neoplastic disease, if it is advanced or left untreated in early phases, it may at long last distribute through the blood and lymph fluid to other variety meats. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease occurs about entirely in work forces over age 40 and more or less frequently after age 50. Two-thirdss of prostate malignant neoplastic diseases are found in work forces over age 65. By age 70, approximately 65 % of work forces have at least microscopic grounds of prostate malignant neoplastic diseases. Fortunately, the malignant neoplastic disease is normally really slow growth and older work forces with the malignant neoplastic disease typically die of something else.As they do for well-nigh malignant neoplastic diseases, physicians use the TNM system of prostate malignant neoplastic disease phases. The prostate malignant neoplastic disease phases are described utilizing trinity different facets of tumour growing and penetrate. It s called the TNM system for tumour, nodes, and metastasis. T stands for tumour it describes the size of the chief country of prostate malignant neoplastic disease. N stands for nodes it describes whether prostate malignant neoplastic disease has spread to any lymph nodes and to what extent. M stands for metastasis it sum distant spread of prostate malignant neoplastic disease, for illustration, to the castanetss or liver. There are other ways of sorting prostate malignant neoplastic disease, such as the Gleason system. Sometimes, the TNM system and Gleason mark are combined to quarterher to depict prostate malignant neoplastic disease phase. In phase I, prostate malignant neoplastic disease is found in the prostate only. Phase I prostate malignant neoplastic disease is microscopic it ca nt be felt on a digital rectal test ( DRE ) , and it is nt seen on imagination of the prostate. In phase II, the tumour has grown inside the prostate but has nt extended beyond it. Stage III prostate malignant neoplastic disease has spread outside the prostate, but merely hardly. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease in phase III may affect nearby tissues, like the seminal cysts. In phase IV, the malignant neoplastic disease has spread ( metastasized ) outside the prostate to other tissues. Stage IV prostate malignant neoplastic disease normally spreads to lymph nodes, the castanetss, liver, or lungs.Accurately placing the prostate malignant neoplastic disease phase is highly of import. Prostate malignant neoplastic disease phase helps buzz off the optimum intervention, every bit good as forecast. For this ground, it s deserving traveling through extended testing to consider the right prostate malignant neoplastic disease phase.1.2 Types of prostate malignant neoplastic diseaseThere are umteen types of prostate malignant neoplastic disease and the status is frequently present in many different parts of the prostate. The precursor to prostate malignant neoplastic disease is know as prostate intraepithelial neoplasia, this is besides found in many different locations within the prostate. Although there are many different sorts of prostate malignant neoplastic disease the huge bulk ( around 95 % ) are of the type known as glandular cancer. As this is the most broad spread from it has become synonymous with the endpoint prostrate malignant neoplastic disease.Adenocarcinoma The most common site of beginning of prostate malignant neoplastic disease is in the peripheral zone ( the chief glandular zone of the prostate ) . The term glandular cancer can be split up to deduce its significance. Adeno means pertaining to a secretory organ , whilst Carcinoma relates to a malignant neoplastic disease that develops in epithelial cellular telephones. The term epithelial merely relates to cells that surround organic structure variety meats or secretory organs. aldara and basal cell carcinomaSmall cell carcinomaThis sort of malignant neoplastic disease is made up of little unit of ammunition cells, and typically signifiers at nervus cells. Small cell carcinoma is really competitive in nature and as it does non take to an addition in prostatic detail antigens it can be slightly harder to observe than adenocarcinoma this normally means that it has reached an advanced signifier upon sensing.Squamous cell carcinomaThis is a non glandular malignant neoplastic diseas e, like little cell carcinoma there is no addition in prostatic specific antigens when this is present. Squamous cell carcinoma is really aggressive in nature.There are other, more rare, signifiers of prostate malignant neoplastic disease these include sarcomas and transitional cell carcinoma the latter seldom develops in the prostate but derives from primary tumours present in the vesica or urethra.1.3 Symptoms and experiencesSymptomsThere are no warning marks or symptoms of early prostate malignant neoplastic disease. Once a malignant tumour causes the prostate secretory organ to swell significantly, or one time malignant neoplastic disease spreads beyond the prostate, the following symptoms may be presentA frequent demand to urinate, particularly at dark.Trouble get downing or halting the urinary watercourse.A weak or interrupted urinary watercourse.A painful or firing esthesis during micturition or interjection.Blood in piss or seeds.Lower back hurtingPain with intestine motion These are non symptoms of the malignant neoplastic disease itself. Alternatively, they are the symptoms of the obstruction from the malignant neoplastic disease growing within the prostate and environing tissues. Symptoms of advanced prostate malignant neoplastic disease includeDull, ceaseless chummy hurting or stiffness in the pelvic girdle, lower back, ribs or upper thighs creaky hurting in the castanetss of those countries.Loss of weight and appetency, weariness, sickness, or emesis. swelling of the lower appendagesExperiencesConfronting the world of malignant neoplastic disease diagnosingTaking an effectual portion in malignant neoplastic disease interventionProlonging an cheerful spirit, prolonging physically, decreasing the impact of malignant neoplastic disease on others.The experiences of religious agony and the curative procedure among patient with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease.1.4 Gaps within literature taxonomical reappraisals aim to place, footstep and sum u p the findings of all relevant single surveies, thereby doing the usable grounds more accessible to determination shapers ( Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 2009, pv ) . In-order to acquire a concluding verification with this subject, a thorough turn tail for any old reappraisals or any on-going reappraisals on this subject was searched from different resource centres.The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews ( CDRS ) , which consists of the most dependable up-to-date systematic reappraisals, was searched as the early electronic database. Other resources such as nursing databases, specializer diaries the National research registry and Google bookman hunt was explored to see if any reappraisals, similar to this subject was in procedure or already commenced by any research actor.Chapter Two AimSystematic reappraisals are sum-ups of all past research on a specific subject. Unlike the traditional attack to reexamining literature, systematic reappraisals utilise the same rules and asperity that is expected of primary research. As the name suggests, they are systematic in their attack and utilize methods that are pre-planned and documented in a systematic reappraisal protocol. The protocol fulfils the same piece as a research proposal as each measure in the reappraisal procedure is to the full described ( The Joanna Briggs Institute for Evidence found treat and Midwifery, 2001, An Introduction to Systematic Reviews Changing Practice Vol 2 Iss 1 ) .The systematic reappraisal on the other manus uses a really nonindulgent research methodological analysis to seek and restrict prejudice in all facets of the review- in this sense it is close to a primary research- such as a study, where the participants are non people but instead the documents included in the reappraisal. Most significantly systematic reappraisals normally aim to reply a specific inquiry or trial a specific hypothesis, instead than merely summarizing all there is to cognize about a peculi ar issue ( Pettigrew and Roberts, 2006 ) or put another manner, Systematic reappraisal represents the usage of a standardised indifferent method to synthesize informations from multiple primary surveies .2.1 Developing a research inquiryAn effectual clinical inquiry for evidence-based nursing includes a c erstwhilern that person else had studied, focuses on a concern that can be measured or described, and is a concern that is relevant to nursing ( Macnee and McCabe, 2008, p 6 ) . It helps to take the research worker in the way of right way, since the inquiry is based on a specific frame of constituents. These constituents include the population, intercession ( or exposures ) , and outcomes related to the job posed in the reappraisal ( Khalid et al 2009, p 9 ) .For this reappraisal, the PIO construction is use and this deciphers into the three fragments such as the population, issue and the result. The inquiry below is the devised one, after holding with the above considerations. What are the life experiences of patient s with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease undergoing intervention? 2.2 AimsTo understand the life experiences of patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease undergoing interventions.To do recommendations for nursing pattern in relation to acknowledging coverage and moving upon the study of prostatic malignant neoplastic disease patients.2.3 PlanThis reappraisal is planned to follow the five stairss mentioned below, guaranting the phases of EBN procedureDevelop a croak focussed inquiry to the country of personal involvement and will help to those in the line of work.With the aid of the disconnected inquiry, relevant literature will be searched in an effort to acquire an reply to the focussed inquiry.Critical assessment of the selected documents, to guarantee the quality of the surveies with the aid of checklists.Analyzing the documents in-depth, to come up with consequences and decisions which would act upon the up-to-date work in clinical scenes and a demand to alter for the improvement is let obvious.Finding the cogency and quality of this reappraisal through the taken findings, urging for far researches and use the consequences within the profession.Chapter Three CRITERIA FOR CONSIDERING STUDIES WITHIN REVIEWThe inquiry plays an of import function when it comes to seek for relevant documents. Using the formatted attack of the inquiry who , when, what and where, will make a great trade to assist in the hunt for the best available grounds to acquire the reply to the inquiry ( Macnee and McCabe, 2008, p7 ) . Therefore, an inclusion and forcing out standards to the PIO structured inquiry was applied and principles provided for the divided classs.3.1 PopulationPatients with prostatic malignant neoplastic diseaseBased on the inquiry, patients who are diagnosed with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease were taken as the cardinal population group since this is the mark group which needs to be cared. Init ially it was thought to unite grownups who are holding prostate malignant neoplastic disease. But on stab of scruples this age group to be smaller and since it is related to a really sensitive, so it was so decided to bear on fixed with patients merely.It will be besides considered to look into a specific prostate malignant neoplastic disease patient, but although sufficient researches were done on most of the common type of prostate malignant neoplastic disease, the aims of the reappraisal were difficult to be met. As a consequence, it was once more distinct to take on it be patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease. The same manner, sex differentiating would besides hold meant to do a narrow literature hunt so merely one sex is included in this survey. Merely male patients are included because the reappraisal is on prostate malignant neoplastic disease.No hunt restrictions will be made upon race, ethnicity or faith sine this reappraisal is typically based on the sensi tive subject such as prostate malignant neoplastic disease. Premises can non be made sing an person s perceptual experience in relation to ethnical, faith and cultural backgrounds ( McSherry, 2006, p 911 ) . Apart from that, this reappraisal might supply to be a valuable penetration to the clinical scenes of those with specific faith and civilization sing prostate malignant neoplastic disease patients.3.2 IssueTreatmentsMost of the aims in this reappraisal depend on the interventions and patient s perceptual experiences. Furthermore, it will be looking in general into all countries where interventions are concerned.3.3 Outcome stepsExperiencesSince the focal purpose of this reappraisal is to garner patients life experiences or perceptual experiences, these will be gathered largely from the interviews and questionnaires utilise in the surveies. The result is based chiefly upon the elements in the undermentioned tabular array.ExperiencesPerceptsAdaptations3.4 Types of surveies inclu dedQualitative survey designs are used in the reappraisal since it was taking to exit the life experiences of patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease. The common constituents of qualitative surveies such as grounded theory, phenomenology, descriptive anthropology and historical surveies will be included since this types look into the experient live of patients.3.5 Overview of exclusion standardsDepending on the research inquiry, the below mentioned classs are excluded from the hunt class.ChildsFemale Patients disable PatientsAge & lt 30Quantitative surveiesChapter FOUR Search SchemeThe literature will be searched in abide by to the formed inquiry and the formatted divisions it consists to the footings population, issue and the results, including the specifically developed exclusion standards. Types of surveies which will be included were mentioned in the old chapter. The literature hunt will be searched in a systematical manner guaranting non to exclude any of import survey sing the subject. It will be done following measure by measure method as in Evidence Based Nursing ( EBN ) which is explained as it s processed.4.1 Step one and two ( Development of research hesitancy and placing cardinal phrases )This is the measure, where the research inquiry is developed. The research inquiry is so explicitly divided harmonizing to structured PIO format.The Question is What are the life experiences of patient s with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease undergoing intervention? The tabular array below shows the PIO format in which the inquiry was formattedPhosphorusIOxygenPatients with Prostate malignant neoplastic diseaseTreatmentsLife Experiences4.2 Making equivalent word for cardinal wordsThe above measure identified the cardinal words. Synonyms are made for the get a line footings, which will heighten the sensitiveness of the hunt increasing the ability to capture a big part of the relevant surveies ( Khalid et al, 2009, p 24 ) . It was difficult to happen the equivalent word related to the cardinal words. However, as mentioned by Khalid et Al ( 2009 ) , the mesh-like footings were easy to happen from the indexing of some relevant surveies ( largely found from the go up ) , and with the aid of synonym finder of the computing machine.Below table demonstrates the equivalent word for the formatted inquiry.Population ( P )Issue ( I )Outcomes ( O )Patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic diseaseTreatmentsLife ExperiencesProstate carcinomaTreatmentsAdaptationsProstate tumorTreatmentsPercepts4.3 Step four, five and six ( uniting equivalent word with Boolean operators )The equivalent word made in the old tabular array is used to organize a grid, which will be combined to the footings OR and AND of the Boolean operators. The purpose of this symbols or wild cards will assist to acquire a wider hunt but within the needful class restricting the unwanted ( Littell et al, 2008 ) the word OR would unite all the words and footings c apturing a constituent of the inquiry giving a big commendation set for each constituent that was searched for ( Khalid et al, 2009, p 26 ) . Then this will be combined with the Boolean AND to bring forth a set which contains commendations relevant to all the assorted constituents of the inquiry ( Khalid et al, 2009, p 26 ) . This procedure is demonstrated in the tabular array 4.31 below.Table 4.3.1 Combination of cardinal words with Boolean operatorsSearch scheme and database hunt CINAHLSequence 1 Population/ PatientsSequence 2 Intervention/ IssueSequence 3 ResultsBoolean operatorsANDANDANDORProstate malignant neoplastic diseaseTreatmentsExperiencesORPatients with prostatic malignant neoplastic diseaseTreatmentsLife ExperiencesORProstate carcinomaTreatmentsAdaptationsORProstate tumorTreatmentsPerceptsThese Boolean operators combined with the cardinal words, is of import to be agitate electronically with multi databases for a more comprehensive sum-up of the literature ( Littell e t al, 2008, p 55 ) . However, the databases relevant for one subject might non be utile for another, since the pick of seeking a relevant database depends on the subject chosen. Therefore, the searching databases will beAccumulative index to nursing and allied wellness literature ( CINAHL )MedlineOvidEMBASEBritish Nursing IndexAllied and Complementary Medicine ( AMED )PsycINFOApart from the databases, seeking for relevant documents will be done by reading the mention list, cyberspace searching, specialiser diary, gray literature, manus searching and besides with in touch with the writers of some research documents merely to see the handiness of unpublished work.Chapter FIVE Method OF REVIEWThis chapter consists of three subdivisions which would be clarified in item as it is being processed. The stairss include, choice of the documents, measuring of the documents and pull outing the relevant informations which is needed to reply the inquiry. Since research worker prejudice, deficienc y of asperity and demand for appraised quality is frequently perplexing with the qualitative documents ( Dixon-woods, 2001, p 765 ) a second research worker will be have-to doe with throughout these phases. Suppose if any dissensions or sentiment difference occur, a 3rd party will be included to increase the asperity of the reappraisal. last-place determination will be done after coming to an understanding between the three research workers.5.1 Part one- procedure of choosing surveies for the inclusion within the reappraisalThe antecedently made inclusion and exclusion standards will be used as a pilot one and alterations will be made consequently once the existent choice is carried out. Concluding inclusion and exclusion will be done after scrutiny of the full book. However, the tabular array 5.1.2 shows the checklist signifier, which will be used in the choice procedure.Inclusion standardsExclusion standardsPopulationMale patients Age & gt 30 Experiencing Prostate malignant neo plastic diseaseFemale patientsDisabled Patients Children Age & lt 30InterventionTreatmentsResultsExperiences Percepts AdaptationsType of surveiesQualitative research designCase surveies Review papers Quantitative studyTable 5.1.1Checklist signifier demoing the inclusion and exclusion standardsDuring the introductory choice, merely the rubrics and abstracts of all articles retrieved from the hunt will be screened with the aid of the signifier. The tabular array below is the sample checklist which will be used as a showing during this phase. It will be ticked as Yes , No or Unsure , after traveling through with each phase of the paper with the aid of the 2nd research worker to keep its asperity.Table 5.1.2 Checklist for the first choice of documents based on rubric and abstract only/Bibliographic inside informations of paper ( snare and rubric )Abstract NOPaper 1Paper 2Paper 3Paper 4Paper 5Paper 6Paper 7Paper 8Paper 9Paper 10P=Patients with prostatic malignant neoplastic disease I=TreatmentsO=Life ExperiencesQualitative surveyActionInclude/exclude?ACTION-Rationale Y=Yes Fits standards N=No Does non suit the standards U=Unsure Read paperMeasure twoAs in the first choice, the 2nd choice besides will utilize the same technique with the same checklist. However, as mentioned before a 3rd party will be involved if any uncertainness arises among the pickers, to guarantee a just choice heightening the cogency and quality of the documents. In this choice, the documents which had been filtered through the first choice will be more thoroughly read largely with the full text and restrictions will be done consequently with the checklist used as mentioned above with the aid of the research workers.5.2 Part two- Assessment of the methodological quality of the selected documentsAppraisal of survey quality gives an indicant of the strength of grounds provided by the reappraisal, inform the criterion required for the hereunder research, and reply the inquiry whether the sur veies are robust plenty to steer intervention, diagnostic or policy determinations ( Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, 2009, p 33 ) . Although assorted tools are available for quality appraisal, the usage of McMaster s qualitative model was thought to be the best. McMaster s model assures to hold the cogency of the conducted research by giving a rational for each and every component of the survey with the needful accounts, therefore offering an efficient frame work for qualitative critical reappraisals ( Letts et al, 2007 ) .A rinse transcript of the signifier is provided in the Appendix. This signifier will be used to mensurate the quality of the chosen documents and it will be used to review all the documents in this reappraisal. The quality of this reappraisal will be carried harmonizing to the elements to derive trustiness in qualitative research such as credibleness, transferability, dependableness, confirmability and as besides triangulation which is known to cover multip le beginnings to derive the cogency. These will be run in visible radiation to the McMaster s model. Each component will be respectively explored to set up the differences and similarities with in the documents. The advantage of utilizing McMaster s model is, it consist the guidelines of how to make full up the signifier which is convenient and utile for a critic research worker. A clean transcript of the signifier is attached in Appendix.5.3 Part three- Data Extraction StrategyThe consequence of the reappraisal depends on the extraction of the information from the primary documents searched. This means taking the relevant information which will reply to the inquiry. This is considered to be an of import measure in methodological analysis, since it has to keep the accurateness of the information every bit good. The extracted informations will be involved with the PIO elements which would largely look out for the Outcomes of it. And this will be helped with the consistent informati ons extraction signifier which will guarantee to confine up the cogency.For the intra and inter-rater dependability, the two research workers will be pull outing informations from the included surveies and cross checking of the informations included in the tests with a 3rd research worker at manus to work out the originating struggles between them. Harmonizing to the PIO formatted construction, apart from roll uping information on population and Issue, since the result is the changing portion, colour codifications will be given to each result as subjects. Subjects are differentiated harmonizing to given subheadings, which will assist to maintain the order and evade confusions. Table 5.3.1 shows the informations extraction signifier which will be used for the reappraisal.Table 5.3.1 Data extraction signifierDate of informations extraction-Reviewer-Bibliographic inside informations of study-Purpose of study-Population-Sample selection-Number-Age-mean-Ethnicity-Religious activity-Type of disease/ disease condition-Issue- prostate malignant neoplastic diseaseOutcomes-Patients perceptual experience on the effects of treatments- bluePatients experiences on the condition- pinkPatients identified factors lending to prostate cancer- ruddyWith the aid of the above mentioned signifiers, this reappraisal will be conducted in an indifferent method guaranting the trustiness of it.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Two Neighborhoods
Wed make casual small conversation on Saturday mornings when no nonpareil had to recreate and we watched the kids play. Wed also go to the pool In the summer as another way for conversation and fun for everyone. Another good thing about that resemblance was that it was in such a convenient location. My family and I were within walking distance from my high school, local gyms, flea markets and more. I was able to walk to any of these places whenever I wanted. Unfortunately, this all changed when my parents told my two younger brothers and me that we had to downgrade and move bout give minutes away.Originally I vox populi to myself, thats not too bad, but my thought was devastatingly wrong. Overtime I would figure this out. In this region I found that my ex-boyfriend lives one short block over from mine. Seeing him every morning on the bus to school was never the highlight of my day. Then, just when I thought Id have a relief, summer came around. Of course, we both wanted to be a t the neighborhood pool all the time, so it was like I couldnt escape from him. Not only that disappoints me about this neighborhood, but also, we have to made as many friends in this neighborhood as the previous one.People just arent as friendly and neighborly. People in this neighborhood hardly ever speak to one another. Also, this neighborhood, contrary to the one before, is farther away from all the attractions. I hate to be a complainer but the first neighborhood was just much better. That neighborhood is the opposite of this one and would easily be titled the best one my family and I have lived in since living in Charlotte NC. By Tiaras It was the year of 2007 that my family and I locomote to our first house in Blatantly.In friendships with our other neighbors in that neighborhood. Everyone was so friendly amongst one another. Wed all show common curtsey and wave to those wed see. And we watched the kids play. Wed also go to the pool in the summer as another way any of these places whenever I wanted. Unfortunately, this all changed when my Then, Just when I thought Id have a relief, summer came around. Of course, we both not made as many friends in this neighborhood as the previous one. People Just from all the attractions. I hate to be a complainer but the first neighborhood was Just
Saturday, May 25, 2019
How Did the Europeans Affect the Native Americans? Essay
Anne Bradstreet Jonathan Edwards and Anne Bradstreet were both famous Puritan writers of their time. Each of their works, Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God and Upon the Burning of Our tolerate convey to their audiences the strong religious beliefs prevalent during that time period. Edwards writes to persuade his audience. On the other hand, Bradstreet writes to inform her audience. Edwards mainly talks about hell and damnation in his writings, however Bradstreet talks about heaven and hope.Although both Edwards and Bradstreet get down similar outlooks and understandings of religious beliefs and attitudes and beliefs about human life, there are overly distinctions that allow the referee to better understand each authors purpose. Bradstreet believes that one should look to God and pray during times of hardship. On the other hand Edwards believes that one should forever and a day look God, but not in times of hardship, he thinks people must let God come to them. Bradstreet expr esses her needing of help from God after her home fire down when she said, Raise up thy thoughts above the sky(Bradstreet41).Referring to this quote Bradstreet looks up to God for help while she is in the middle of a crisis or hardship. Edwards suggests that people should let God come to them when he said, And now you have an extraordinary opportunity, a day where in Christ has thrown the door of compassion wide Motahari 2 open, and stands in the door calling and crying with a loud voice to poor sinners(Edwards129). According to this quote Edwards is saying that God has in the long run come to the sinners in their time of need. Not only are Bradstreets and Edwardss religious beliefs different, but they also have different attitudes and beliefs.Bradstreet is a supreme woman who believes that everyone is going to heaven, on the other hand Edwards is a negative man who believes that everyone is going to hell. Bradstreet expresses her positivity and belief for heaven after her hous e burns down while saying, The world no longer let me love, my hope and treasure lies above(Bradstreet119). This reveals that that she will always believe something good will happen. tied(p) though her house and all of her things burned to ash, she still is happy that she has another home that lies above heaven.Edwards show his negativity towards people when he said, In short, they have no refuge, nothing to take hold of(Edwards126). Referring to this quote Edwards is trying to say that people do not have any escape from hell and damnation, also that there is nothing worth living for. Bradstreet and Edwards do not have the same views in the categories of religious beliefs and attitudes and beliefs of human life. Through her writings, Bradstreet explains that God is a amiable loving person who is always there for us. However Edwards portrays God as a mean and angry person through his writings. I think that Bradstreet has a better view of God.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Rhitorical Appeals in Literature Essay
In Superman and Me by Sherman Alexie, the narrators claim is that if you do your best to obtain familiarity, even off those considered to be offset class can flourish and rise up in a world such as ours. In this specific case, the narrator turns his quest for knowledge into a fight to improve his life as well as the lives of his fellow Indians. He read whenever possible in hopes that he could persist the poverty of the reservation and make something of himself, un corresponding the other kids who purposely did bad in class and pretended to be stupid.Sherman Alexie uses the rhetorical appeal of Pathos, or emotion, as well as Ethos, to get his point across. He composes ab knocked out(p) how when he was a kid, no one was there to help them in school and see them how to write properly, and how as an adult he Is continuously fighting to help kids in the same patch he was once in so that they do not have to go through what he did to succeed and become successful in life. There is no better exposition of what Alexie is trying to prevent or solve as he himself was in the same situation that he is fighting to end to this day.He says I am smart. I am arrogant. I am lucky. I am trying to save our lives (Alexie Phar. 8). Throughout his essay, he shows how using his knowledge, arrogance, and luck he manages to break out of the Indian reservation to become a successful writer in an attempt at saving our lives non just his life, but the lives of all Indians, both current and future.In the verse form Crazy Courage by Alma Luz Villanueva, the author talks about a man named Michael that she met in her fiction class, who, as she subsequent finds out, is a cross dresser. Using the rhetorical appeal Pathos, the authortruly proves her point- that other peoples opinions do not matter so dour as you are courageous and confident about yourself. In the poesy, Michael seems so courageous, even though he is dressed in womans tog and in front of an entire class, that it shock ed / the young, seen-it-all MTV crowd / into silence(Villanueva 20-23). The class was so shocked at the confidence of the person in front of them considering his situation that they couldnt even speak. In fact, even those who would kill him were impressed at the level of courage he must have had, and the fact that he seemed even happier in the seemingly odd clothes and outfit he was wearing (Villanueva 27).Last but not least is the poem Theme for English B by Langston Hughes. The author Langston Hughes seems to use more of a Logical appeal. While it doesnt seem to be the most organized Poem, there is without a incertitude some sort of claim. While it isnt necessarily the best example of a claim that relates to knowledge and individual power, it seemed like an interesting poem to write about. In my opinion, the author is trying to show that even though he is of a different race than his white teacher, and even though he is from Harlem, he is just like everyone else. He likes to eat, sleep, drink, and be in love. / He likes to work, read, learn, and understand life(Hughes 21-22).On the other hand, I feel like this poem has a unfathomed message, which is that obtaining knowledge is grave for him to eventually become as free as his older, white teacher. That is why, in my opinion, he mentions where he went to school and the fact that he is in college to learn, in hopes of getting somewhere in the long run. That is also why, in my opinion, he points out that he is the only colored student in his class. Not necessarily to point out his color or race, but to show that he is one of the few in his race that finds knowledge to be an important thing. Overall, I feel like all of these claims are somewhat valid.The claims in Crazy Courage and Superman and Me are without a doubt true in my opinion, however the claim in Theme for English B seems a bit weak. Im not quite sure when the third poem was written, however nowadays I feel like the level of colored people obtainin g an education is relatively fair. Racism is for the most part nonexistent in at least the northern half of the United States, so that is no longer a problem in oursociety here. I feel like if the poem was written recently it would not have been as successful as it was, and you wouldnt be finding it in text books. Perhaps the poem was written a long time ago so the authors points were valid, however nowadays plenty of colored people are receiving proper educations and going to college.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
John Proctor: Honorable or Not Essay
many a(prenominal) people believe bum Proctor plays map of the dishonorable character in the play of The Crucible . I honestly believe he is actually honorable by his actions of goodness and redemption in the play . He proves this by the rejecting of continuing the affair with Abigail , yielding of his affair to Hale , and dying.In the beginning of the play , there is a scene in which he is with Abigail . Abigail says , Give me a word John . A soft word . . Proctor then says , No , no , Abby . Thats done with ( P 1224 ) . This shows that when John Proctor had the affair , he saw it as a mistake and started to reject Abigail . This shows how he sees his mistake and does anything to prevent himself from committing that error once again . afterward , in Act II , Proctor confesses to his affair with Abigail . He confesses to Hale about his affair to ease himself of what he has been keeping to himself for quite some clip . This explains how he is honorable by admitting his mist akes . He does not keep something of this dishonorable character to himself . He feels as if he must correct any mistakes he has committed in the past . I believe this action shows the audience that he is honorable to be able to confess the truth to any ostracise actions .Towards the end , during the final Act , he is just waiting to die . He confessed about his affair with Abigail , in addition , he also did confess to being a witch even though he was not . He believes that he is taking responsibility for his actions and even for those he did not do. Many people believe John Proctor is dishonorable because of his affair , but did he not confess ? Did he not die for something he did not even do ? I believe that his death gave him redemption for his actions with Abigail.I believe John Proctor is a very honorable in his vindication of his mistakes in life and the mistakes of others . He has proven his honor throughout different actions in the play.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Reaction Paper on Personality Theory Essay
If you were in this situation, how would you explain this mistake? Many of us might blame the slip on distraction or describe it as a simple accident. However, a psychoanalytic theorist might tell you that this is much more than a random accident. The psychoanalytic view holds that there are inner forces outside of your aware(p)ness that are directing your behavior. For example, a psychoanalyst might say that James misspoke due to unresolved feelings for his ex or perhaps because of misgivings about his new relationship. The founder of psychoanalytic theory was Sigmund Freud.While his theories were considered shocking at the time and continue to create debate and controversy, his work had a unsounded influence on a number of disciplines, including psychology, sociology, anthropology, literature, and art. The term psychoanalysis is used to refer to many aspects of Freuds work and research, including Freudian therapy and the research methodology he used to develop his theories. Freu d relied heavily upon his observations and case studies of his patients when he formed his theory of personality development.Before we shtup understand Freuds theory of personality, we must early understand his view of how the mind is organized. gibe to Freud, the mind crapper be divided into two main parts 1. The conscious mind includes everything that we are aware of. This is the aspect of our amiable processing that we can think and talk about rationally. A part of this includes our memory, which is not al vogues part of consciousness but can be retrieved easily at any time and brought into our awareness.Freud called this ordinary memory thepreconscious. . The unconscious mind is a reservoir of feelings, thoughts, urges, and memories that outside of our conscious awareness. Most of the confine of the unconscious are unacceptable or unpleasant, such as feelings of pain, anxiety, or conflict. According to Freud, the unconscious continues to influence our behavior and experien ce, even though we are asleep of these underlying influences. According to Sigmund Freuds psychoanalytic theory of personality, personality is composed of three elements.These three elements of personalityknown as the id, the swelled head and the superegowork together to create complex human behaviors. The Id The id is the only component of personality that is present from birth. This aspect of personality is entirely unconscious and includes of the instinctive and primitive behaviors. According to Freud, the id is the bloodline of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality. The id is driven by the pleasure principle, which strives for immediate gratification of all desires, wants, and needs.If these needs are not convenient immediately, the result is a state anxiety or tension. For example, an increase in hunger or thirst should produce an immediate attempt to eat or drink. The id is very important early in life, because it ensures that an infants needs are met. If the infant is hungry or uncomfortable, he or she will call off until the demands of the id are met. However, immediately satisfying these needs is not always possible or even possible. If we were ruled entirely by the pleasure principle, we might remark ourselves grabbing things we want out of other peoples hands to satisfy our own cravings.This sort of behavior would be both disruptive and socially unacceptable. According to Freud, the id tries to resolve the tension created by the pleasure principle through the primary process, which involves forming a mental image of the desired object as a way of satisfying the need. The Ego The ego is the component of personality that is responsible for dealing with reality. According to Freud, the ego develops from the id and ensures that the impulses of the id can be expressed in a modal value acceptable in the real world. The ego functions in both the conscious,preconscious, and unconscious mind.The ego operates based on the r eality principle, which strives to satisfy the ids desires in realistic and socially let ways. The reality principle weighs the costs and benefits of an action before deciding to act upon or abandon impulses. In many cases, the ids impulses can be satisfied through a process of delayed gratificationthe ego will eventually allow the behavior, but only in the appropriate time and place. The ego also discharges tension created by unmet impulses through the secondary process, in which the ego tries to find an object in the real world that matches the mental image created by the ids primary process.The Superego The last component of personality to develop is the superego. The superego is the aspect of personality that holds all of our internalized moral standards and ideals that we acquire from both parents and smart setour sense of right and wrong. The superego provides guidelines for making judgments. According to Freud, the superego begins to emerge at around age five. There are two parts of the superego 1. The ego ideal includes the rules and standards for in force(p) behaviors. These behaviors include those which are approved of by parental and other authority figures.Obeying these rules leads to feelings of pride, value and accomplishment. 2. The conscience includes information about things that are viewed as bad by parents and society. These behaviors are often forbidden and lead to bad consequences, punishments or feelings of guilt and remorse. The superego acts to perfect and civilize our behavior. It works to suppress all unacceptable urges of the id and struggles to make the ego act upon idealistic standards rather that upon realistic principles. The superego is present in the conscious, preconscious and unconscious.The Interaction of the Id, Ego and Superego With so many competing forces, it is easy to see how conflict might move up between the id, ego and superego. Freud used the term ego strength to refer to the egos ability to function despite th ese dueling forces. A person with proper ego strength is able to effectively manage these pressures, while those with too much or too little ego strength can give out too unyielding or too disrupting. According to Freud, the key to a healthy personality is a balance between the id, the ego, and the superego.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Information System in Recruitment
Information Systems in Recruitment Summary Several re look toes and studies get been conducted to demonstrate the strongness of engine room in the enlisting process. This understand explains what enlisting is, the growth of recruitment from how it was two decades ago to development engineering science today. The work done in this paper identifies the advantages and disfavours of e-recruitment and discusses e-strategies to overcome the discriminates. The adoption of these e-strategies helps advantages of cyberspace recruitment outweigh the disadvantages.The conclusion r separatelyed in this work is based on several assumptions which might have caused the results to vary from the actual results of detailed works done in this field before. Index Terms Technology in recruitment, e-recruitment, advantages of e-recruitment, disadvantages of e-recruitment, profits recruitment. Introduction Information System underside be defined technically as a set of interrelated components t hat collect, process, store and distribute information to support finality making and construe in the organization (Laudon & Laudon, 2000,Pg 7).The transformation of our society from preindustrial to industrial and from Industrial to a post industrial society (Fitzsimmons & Fitzsimmons, 2008, Pg 7) has given way to globalization, w here(predicate) information is the key resource. The growth of mesh and the globalization of industries have changed the traditional operation methods in all atomic number 18as of business and perplexity including Strategic planning. The Human election Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution for the info entry, data tracking, and data information use ups of the Human Resources, payroll, 2 E-Recruitment anagement, and accounting functions within a business (Heathfield, 2010). Konrad & Deckop (2001) explain that instead of shuffling paper work and fielding telephone calls, HR managers use the Internet to obtain information and co mmunicate with anformer(a)(prenominal)s, affecting virtually every HR function. HR database management brasss maintain organizationally pertinent information close operateees. Developments in com personateer hardware and software have not only made possible user-friendly advance to employee information, but as well the capability to analyze this information for purposes of organizational planning. Information systems is applied by major companies for notable components of Human Resource Management (HRM) that include HR Planning, Recruitment, Selection, Training, rush development, practice relationship management and compensation and benefits management. DeSanctis (1986) explains that information systems in individualnel have evolved from the automated employee recordkeeping of the 1960s into complex reporting and decision systems to- day. The Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) is designed to support the planning, administration, decision making and control activiti es of the human resource management (DeSanctis, 1986).The purpose of this article is to focus on the advantages and disadvantages of technology in recruitment process and determine if advantages outweigh disadvantages or viceversa. Evolution of Recruitment Recruitment is the process of refering potential croupdidates so that employers can choose the right person for the right melodic phrase. Dale S B from each one observed Recruitment as the development and maintenance of adequate manpower resources. It involves the creation of a pool of available cranch upon whom the organization can draw when it needs additional employees (Seetharaman 3 E-Recruitment Prasad, 2009). Recruitment alike goes hand in hand with the selection process whereby organizations evaluate the suitableness of outlooks for various melodys (Singh & Finn, 2003). Hence recruitment is said to be a positive process as it involves realizeing suitable candidates for available vocations. Selection is said to be a negative process as it involves rejecting a large number of appliers to identify a few that are suitable for the job. As a filtering mechanism in the selection process, the recruitment function is one of the most weighty areas of human resource management (Singh & Finn, 2003).The recruitment process begins with human resource planning where a society identifies the right number of people needed to perform the job. Khanna & New (2005) explain that HR planners can influence the HR planning process so that resource decisions are made with due thought and the organization does not hurt itself by either undercutting its talent pool or retaining excess flab. HR planners should take this mission seriously if they want to have some(prenominal) control over the changing face of the organization of the future.Hence HR planning is an important activity as it involves forecasts of the manpower needs in a future time period so that adequate and timely provisions may be made to meet the nee ds (Seetharaman & Prasad, 2009). The process of human resource planning usually involves forecasting labor demand and labor supply and performing a gap analysis. Once when a nothingness is identified, the recruiter receives an authorization to fill it. A job analysis is done to identify the critical knowledge, ability, skills, and other competencies (KASOC) required for performing the job.There are two sources of recruitment Internal and External. In earlier years, for external recruitment, recruiters used low tech methods like advertisements in newspapers, magazines and journals, radio, Employment agencies, campus visits, etc in seem of potential candidates. Internally, one of the most common methods, 4 E-Recruitment especially in unionized organizations, involved posting vacancies within the organization and encouraging bids from current employees (Singh & Finn, 2003).Singh & Finn (2003) explain that many organizations began to use innovative information technology methods to complement traditional sources. Companies use internet medium to attract potential pool of applicants as it has a global clench and relatively inexpensive to the low tech sources available. In a survey by SHRM and AON Consulting, human resource professionals considered employee referrals as a nifty source of job applicants and it was their top choice (Click, 1997).another(prenominal) recent survey suggested that over 80 percent of organizations use the web to recruit (Bernardin, 2009). Employee referrals Newspaper ads Recruiting firms College recruitment pro tempore help firms Job fairs Internet Targeted minority recruiting Walk-ins Government employment services. 61% 60% 58% 52% 46% 32% 20% 18% 18% 10% Source Click, Jennifer. Blend established practices with new technologies. Business Source Premier. HR Magazine Nov97, Vol. 42 Issue 11, p59. 5 E-RecruitmentComponents of E-Recruitment Thomas & Ray (2000) identify general job sites, specialized job sites, connection website chat rooms and news group as the four-spot major components of web recruitment. Though each of these components have their throw advantages and disadvantages, Thomas & Ray (2000) explain that company website is the best e recruiting tool as it has a low marginal toll, the company has e-recruiting control over its content, and it is the only e recruiting tool with the potential to provide a e-recruiting prov competitive advantage take aparticular to a particular firm. 6 E-RecruitmentImportance of information in advertisements Several re assayers have suggested that the advertisements heaped by job seekers as they gather organizational information play an important role in initial organizational perceptions (Walker, Field, Giles & Bernerth, 2008). Hence, to attract talented people, advertisements placed by companies must be attractive. Potential applicants look out for advertisements to gather important information about the recruiting company. The specificity of communicated informa tion provided in job advertisements has found to influence application decisions (Walker, Field, Giles & Bernerth, 2008).Researches focused on the aesthetic properties associated with recruitment messages that concentrated on web based recruitment. The results of these surveys concluded that job advertisement characteristics such(prenominal) as font, pictures, color, content and design influence job seeker attitudes and the cognitive processing of recruitment information (Walker, Field, Giles & Bernerth, 2008). Advantages / Disadvantages of Information Systems in Recruitment The following are the advantages and disadvantages of recruitment using Information systems. (whatjobsite. com, 2009 & ezinearticles. com, 2010). 7 E-Recruitment AdvantagesSource Kay, Alan S. , (2000, March). Recruiters embrace the Internet. InformationWeek,(778), 72-80. Inexpensive Employers are finding ways to reduce their recruitment costs in the wake of economical downturn, according to a survey by Person nel Todays sister organization, Pay Specialist IRS (Williams, 2009). More specifically, the results of the survey of 143 employers found that employers were typically reviewing four main areas of recruitment procedures in an attempt to reduce recruitment costs. They are use of ad, deciding whether or not to fill certain vacancies, the cost of way of life fees and candidate E-Recruitment selection procedures. It was identified that finding alternatives to recruitment advertising received the most attention. The survey also identified that shifting recruitment away from employment agencies towards online recruitment ranked third in the most effective ways of reducing recruitment costs. more researches show that advertising costs are set about than traditional recruitment methods. The results of these surveys are discussed below Kuhn (2003) explains that for posting a typical career ad on an internet job board for several weeks cost firms a few hundred dollars.Some sites offer unl imited posting to client firms for about $15,000 a year which is contrast to news paper advertisements that costs to $2000 per day. A quarter page advertisements can cost $15000 in many markets. Superdrug, a UK based health and beauty retailer, employed e-mail based recruitment system and explains that the recruitment process has become mobileer, more efficient, and 87% cheaper (Pollitt, 2007). In one study, the average cost per hire via Web ads was reported to be about $152, compared with $1,383 using traditional methods.Another survey identified that in traditional advertising cost-per-hire was $3,295 compared to the Internet cost per hire of about $377. In other instances, many job-posting sites charge $ degree centigrade or less for a single job posting, thus saving a recruiter as much as $6,000 in recruitment costs for each position filled (Singh & Finn, 2003). On another study conducted by Verho pull down & Williams (2008) note that the relative costs of Internet recruitme nt are perceived to be frown in comparison with non-electronic recruitment sources. 9 E-Recruitment No Intermediaries Recruitment intermediaries are employment organizations that operate as middlemen between organizations and potential employees. According to Wolfe & Hartley (2005) Recruitment intermediaries typically operate in one or more of three ways 1. Finding specific skills in specific sectors 2. Providing workers of all kinds in a specific locality 3. Specialist headhunting or search agencies. The development of web-based recruitment led business organizations to use bodily internet which reduced the market for recruitment intermediaries.With the progression in technology, companies can develop their own websites with a separate section for employment opportunities (Wolfe & Hartley, 2005). Candidates can go to the company website, create a profile to view the job openings available and apply for specific vacancies. Companies maintain each candidates profile, aim e-mail t o candidates if their profile matches any void. It is the duty of the candidate to visit the corporate website on a regular basis and update their profile information. This direct contact between the company and the candidate eliminates the need for intermediaries.Thomas & Ray (2000) explain that the need for employment agencies is reduced by establishing a database pool of potential employees, thus saving 20 to 30 percent of the hired employees base year salaries. Moreover, potential applicants may feel insecure to send personal information to recruitment agencies. While a few commercial sites protect applicant privacy, company databases make it a point to maintain confidentiality, and company provided privacy statements restrict resume submissions to internal use (Thomas & Ray, 2000). 10 E-RecruitmentWhile using corporate websites for recruitment purposes, companies dont have the need to approach supreme recruitment agencies and thereby reduce the involvement of intermediaries in the recruitment process. By eliminating intermediaries, companies have the advantage of directly contacting potential employees and employees too feel confident about the information they obtain for their employment. This also acts as a cost-saving technique for companies and a security tool for potential employees as company websites are more secure. decrement of hiring time Once when companies post a vacancy on the internet, either by using intermediaries like recruitment agencies or by using corporate websites, applications will be received as fast as possible which enables employers to process them faster. One website notes that a job vacancy can be put on a job site in the morning, the first applications arrive by lunchtime, and a candidate interviewed by the end of the day. Of course, it isnt always like this. It isnt even often like this. But the fact that such things do happen so quickly gives an indication of just how quick recruiting online can be (whatjobsite. om, 2010) . Many researches show that recruiting online is speedy. Verhoeven & Williams (2008) identifies that the Internet has led to a quicker turn-around time of the recruitment process and is one of the most widely perceived advantages. Lorraine Crawford, head of resourcing at Lloyds TSB imagines that advertising online results in a higher speed of response (Berry, 2004). Haroon & Zia-ur-Rehman (2010) also note that e-recruitment is going to replace the other traditional sources of recruitment because of low cost, time saving, quick response for both employers and job seekers. 11 E-RecruitmentOne website (ehow. com) mentions easier and quicker recruitment as one of the distinct advantages. Candidates dont have to resumes in a valet of paper, take a note of the companys address from newspapers, go to the post office to mail their resume and cover letter and wait for a week to hear back from the employer. all told this can be done with the click of a button and received by the recruiter s instantly. This makes the process simpler and quicker. Improved energy The above mentioned advantages of online recruitment like low cost, eliminating intermediaries and reduction in hiring time roves the efficiency of internet recruitment. For example, as noted in Free Press reconcile (2009) Todays global economy has demanded for more advanced technology which resulted in recruitment automation software that makes the process of recruitment easy, simple and effective for an organization. These advancements in technology show the efficiency of internet recruitment which also eliminates the drawbacks of traditional recruiting methods. Beakware, an India based IT Company provides software solutions for clients all over the world, is an undecomposed with HR technology and develops intelligent HR software solutions (beakware. om, 2010). Beakware explains that on the whole e-recruiting is considered to be one of the most efficient tools of human capital acquisition and management ( Beakware. com, 2010). The above references mentions efficiency in time and cost. E-recruitment also improves a companys Return on Investment. Organizations strong impact on Return on Investment (ROI) and companys success in the marketplace have placed significant emphasis on effective recruitment strategies from individual, organizational and societal 12 E-Recruitment erspectives that manoeuvre to increased ROI and economic viability of the organization (Sangeetha, 2010). The modern recruitment source is widely used since the mid -1980s and got systemized in 1990 and also that it carves a competitive advantage for the company in establishing an employer of choice image, to address a niche employee zone, and passive job searchers (Sangeetha, 2010). In addition to this, Feldman Klass (2002) explain that the expenditures on news paper advertisements and headhunter retainer fees have dropped 20% as internet advertising revenues increased.On these bases it is clearly understood that ma ny companies choose internet recruitment as one of the effective recruitment strategies which will lead to increased ROI. IT also helps companies to retain employees for a longer period of time. Using IT. coms data bank, State Street was able to make a let out assessment of desirable employees qualities, thus able to retain people longer und saving the company between $2 and $5 million with this service (Singh & Finn, 2003) Another research by Feldman & Klass (2002) argues that as job hunting is significantly related to job issatisfaction, dissatisfied employees might not seek employment elsewhere because they do not have the time or resources to search for another job. Hence Internet allows individuals to gain quick and easy access to information on a wide range of job possibilities twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, thereby resolving potential conflicts between employees current job possibilities and the time demands associated with active job hunting (Feldman & Klass, 2 002). Darlene Chapin, Recruiting director for Cheetah Technologies in Florida, claims Internet recruiting for programmers has made the process much more efficient (Bernardin, 2009). 3 E-Recruitment All these researches clearly show the improved efficiency in various aspects of recruitment to employers and employees when using online recruitment services compared to traditional methods. Round the clock access In earlier days potential employees need to wait for mornings to look at the classified section of news paper to get information on job vacancies. Online Recruitment provides round the clock access to employers and employees. Employees can access to wide number of job openings and employers have the advantage of accessing to large number of applicant resumes anywhere and anytime.Internet recruiting also proves advantageous to recruitment consultants by giving them access to work from home. A web-based recruitment system is making home working a humanity for consultants at spe cialist recruitment agency. Managing director Craig Burton told Recruiter that using eploys recruitment software they have 24-hour access to the system from any fixed or mobile blind and are distributing job alerts and CVs to potential candidates at a moments notice. All information can be traced and tracked, making candidate management straightforward and responsive (Anonymous, 2009).Delaware surgical incision of labor explains the advantages of internet recruiting that internet job description has immediate access, changes can be done immediately and can be accessed 24 hours a day, 365 days per year (Delaware Job Link, 2009). In addition to these researches, some websites also support the view of round the clock access to online resumes. Rao (2009) explains that online recruitment allows applicants the luxury of accessing jobs online at their own convenience 24 hours 7 days a week.It provides the comfort of scrutinizing jobs without physically going through the 14 E-Recruitment stress of an interview (igi-global. com). Another website notes that organizations have the ability to reach a much larger target audience as there will be 24 hour global access to their vacancy information (citehr. com, 2010). Last, but not the least, Agarwal (2004) explains that For employers, online recruiting allows far better targeting of candidates than does advertising in general newspapers, resulting in a greater percentage of qualified applicants.In addition, because 24/7 online job hunting is private and convenient, a companys Internet presence is more likely to draw in passive job seekers high-quality candidates who may be odd to know whats out there but who have not launched allout campaigns (webpronews. com). Convenience Internet recruitment offers convenience to both employers and employees. Prospective employees dont need to search for jobs in classifieds section of newspapers, post them to prospective employers using snail mail. They have the convenience of sittin g at home on a sunlight morning and apply for n number of jobs with just a click.Employers on the other hand, need to post job vacancies either in their company website or line up with online recruitment agencies like monster. com to inform about a vacancy. Internet recruitment offers convenience in the restaurant business as well. capital of Mississippi (2010) explains that There are many job websites which cater specifically to the restaurant industry. Employees can sign in with these websites for free and expose themselves to thousands of restaurant openings at the aforementioned(prenominal) time. Moreover, it saves them valuable time and the headache of applying and filling out forms at various restaurants.Job providers too do not need to advertise and go through a lot of paperwork for hiring a trained staff. They can get associated with these websites and scan through a well structured list of 15 E-Recruitment candidates matching the skills and qualifications they are lookin g at for. All this is accomplished in just a click (articlebase. com). Global access One of the major disadvantages of traditional sources of recruitment is its limitation to attract applicants from various cities. If potential employees are looking for jobs only in one city, then traditional sources may be very helpful.But with Globalization and with the increase of employers seek for multicultural talent has forced employers to use internet for recruitment purposes. The internet has been widely accessed by all potential employees universally, giving them access to a broader number of jobs. Employers can view resumes of South African applicants in London and hire them for an American company. Technology has become more and more advanced providing such advantages for employers and employees who strive to reach heights. Internet searching is much more efficient when looking for jobs region-wide, nation-wide or globally.Similarly, when individuals are willing to consider jobs in a number of functional areas and in a wide spectrum of firms differing in industry and size, Internet job hunting is likely to be perceived as a more time-efficient search strategy. Online recruiting can reach a more diverse applicant pool and, at the same time, yield a higher quality set of candidates (Feldman Klass, 2002). Uzelac (2008) supports this view by explaining that recruitment agencies are moving towards sourcing candidates through internet job boards enabling recruitment activity to occur in real time.The ability to recruit internationally has been a huge development and boon for organizations using these services (jobseekersadvice. com). 16 E-Recruitment Disadvantages Screening large number of unconditional applicants is time consuming One of the advantages of online recruitment is receiving large number of applications giving employers the fortune to choose from a wide range of candidates. But recruiters feel that receiving large number of applications has become a d isadvantage because screening those applications is time consuming and most applications do not meet the minimum qualifications required for the job.Research carried out by the IRS Employment review found that although the online recruitment market is booming, most employers are unhappy at the amount of unsuitable applications they receive (Savvas, 2004). More than 60% of the 200 organizations told IRS that they received inappropriate responses from the adverts they placed (Savvas, 2004). IRS also found that the ease of applying for jobs online may lead to more unsuitable applications being received, which have to be screened out, cancelling out some of the savings the channel offered (Savvas, 2004).Another conducted by Verhoeven Williams (2008) concludes that Internet recruitment has the ability to draw applicants from a greater geographic area but that this results in a pool of applicants which has a higher level of unqualified applicants in comparison with non-electronic sources . Thomas Ray (2002) also note about the commercial websites generating large pecks of applicants. Some HR professionals claim that blindly searching the internet for resumes is inefficient, and anything other than company based posting is time consuming and expensive (Thomas Ray, 2002).Recent research conducted by Europes largest HR development professional bole The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) highlights that e-recruitment 17 E-Recruitment could increase the number of unsuitable applicants and act as a barrier to recruiting older workers (cipd. co. uk, 2009). Lack of access Although internet recruitment offers greater access to applicants worldwide, it limits only to people who are comfortable using technology and thereby is a hindrance for companies to reach a more diverse set of candidates.Most of the rural areas do not have access to technology limiting access to people living in such remote geographical locations. One study citing Census Bureau data indicate that rural black households have the lowest computer ownership of any group (6. 4 percent), followed by Hispanics (12 percent) and Native Americans (15. 3 percent), with rural whites (24. 6 percent) and Asians (33. 7 percent) having the highest ownership rates (Singh Finn, 2003). This data is a proof that minority groups do not have access to internet.According to the Pew Internet American Life Project, 58% of whites have access to the Internet whereas only 43% of African Americans and 50% of Hispanics have Internet access (Bernardin, 2007). In addition to internet recruitment lacking access to minority groups, internet recruitment also has legal implications. In Griggs v. Duke Power Co. , (1971) the plaintiff showed that the educational requirements disqualified African-Americans at a significantly higher rate than whites, and in another lawsuit filed by employees against Walt Disney Co. in Los Angeles, it is alleged, since the Resumix (Resume trailing Software) is based on majority white culture, it discriminates against African-Americans seeking employment or promotions (Singh Finn, 2003). However Christopher F. Ball, corporate counsel at Restrac says, I dont think discrimination is part and parcel of using technology. I think its much more related to internal hiring practices. If a company 18 E-Recruitment is going to use discriminatory search methods, theyre going to do it whether theyre using an automated staffing technology or old paper-and-pencil filing tactics.These new recruiting technologies dont dictate or modify the way employers use criteria to search for candidates (Click, 1997). standardised Ball mentioned, discriminatory practices may be adopted by companies even by using traditional methods if they intend to do so. They dont necessarily have to use recruiting technologies for this purpose. Based on this logic, I think discrimination using technology can be eliminated. Hence, lack of access to technology is the only disadvant age among minority groups.Strategies to overcome disadvantages Presenting e-strategies Screening applications is time consuming Presenting Preliminary Competency Screening Many companies claim that screening large volume of applications is time consuming and costly. Progressions in Information and Technology have found new ways to deal with such problems. Organizations might request applicants to provide online biographic information often used to predict employee performance, including educational attainment and relevant job experience. This information may be used to assess the likelihood of an applicant performing a job at a satisfactory level.For the recruitment personnel, these new procedures may save time and money (Singh & Finn, 2003). Bernardin (2007, Pg 152) explains that the above mentioned format allows for an unbidden scoring of information, known as Artificial Intelligence approach that allows for greater control over information gathering and storage and has the pot ential for better decision making. I think, instead of just obtaining biographical information, companies can prepare closed questionnaire and conduct a Preliminary Competency Screening (PCS) that measures the critical skills, abilities, knowledge and other competencies required to 9 E-Recruitment perform the job. The employer must also set a time limit within which the candidate needs to answer those questions to prevent low-skilled candidates from deceiving. When the candidate passes this test, biographical information and resume can be obtained for further processing. The results of this interview can be made available to the candidates as soon as they conclusion the interview to let them know if they have the expected level of knowledge to perform the job.If they dont pass the preliminary round, they may be support to create a profile and update their resume to inform about a future vacancy that matches their profile. While this method makes the screening process quicker and e liminates unqualified applicants efficiently, it may also reduce the negative perceptions of some minority groups about employer discrimination as biographical information are obtained only subsequently the candidate is selected. Lack of Access Advertising in Socializing websites One of the disadvantages of internet recruitment to minority groups is their access to internet.Many reports show an increased use of internet usage among African Americans and Hispanics. In December 1998, 64% of unemployed blacks with home internet access searched for jobs on line, compared to 48% of whites in the same situation (Kuhn, 2003). This reveals the ripening trend in minority workers who use the internet as a job search tool. Limited access to some minority groups has been a disadvantage but recent studies also show the yearly internet adoption rate is growing rapidly in African American and Hispanic households (Bernardin, 2007, Pg 148).In 2000, of those seeking work, 40% of Hispanics, 36% of Whites, and 50% of African Americans surveyed said they had used to the Internet to look for information about a job (Bernardin, 2007). 20 E-Recruitment According to Horowitz Associates, a consumer and business-to-business market research group, about 70% of Hispanic households have an Internet connection, and the Pew Research Center estimates that 56% of Hispanic households are using fast broadband connections. Marketer also finds that Hispanics are using the Internet for interactive purposes, with 46% using instant messages, 32% visiting social networking sites and 22% alive(p) in chat rooms. The percentage of African Americans who use the Internet increased to 64% in December 2008, up from 56% in December 2007. Like Hispanics, African Americans are also using the Internet to connect with others. (NAS, 2009). Source NAS, 2009. 21 E-Recruitment The growing number of job search websites for minorities is another proof video display their increased internet usage.A recent study by Wernau (2010) show that minority websites like iHispano have job listings from Fortune 500 companies because many companies believe that enhancing potpourri promotes employee retention, performance and commitment. Although the success of minority websites shows a growing trend, companies must take advantage of the reason why African Americans and Hispanics use internet. I think, what is lacking here is the low awareness of multi-national company listings in minority websites.Companies must advertise in socializing websites like Facebook and twitter to inform potential recruits about their vacancy listings on minority websites like iHispano. They must encourage minority candidates to use internet to apply for jobs. This enables them to reach a large number of African Americans and Hispanics. outcome It is obvious that technology has changed the recruitment process from the way it was two decades ago. Many companies are listing their job openings either on their own corporate websi tes or in third party website like Monstor. com.Fortune 500 companies are trying to list jobs on minority websites to attract diverse candidates. Those companies that do not employ technology to assist in recruitment are at a competitive disadvantage compared to their peers (Searle, 2006). Raymond Pennie, commercial director at Kamanchi, says he used to believe that recruiters couldnt get a commercial advantage from technology but now firmly believes that you can have a positive disadvantage if you havent got the right technology (Anonymous, 2010). Based on the several researches presented in this paper, it is clear that there is an increased use of internet for recruitment purposes.E recruitment has both advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages presented in several other discussions and this paper can be overcome by 22 E-Recruitment employing e-strategies like preliminary competency screening and e-marketing strategies discussed in the previous sections. Hence, internet recr uitment is an opportunity for employers and potential employees. 23 E-Recruitment
Monday, May 20, 2019
Competencies Variations Between Associate Degree and Baccalaureate Degree Nurses Essay
Competencies Variation betwixt Associate Degree and Baccalaureate Degree The difference in competencies between the associate degree and Baccalaureate degree halt has been a topic for discussion for many years. earlier to the modern practice of nursing the sick was taken cargon of by non skilled persons such as sinners, saints or mothers (Fact Sheet).Modern nursing began with Florence Nightingale, but has evolved over the years to become a rich archives that includes advances in education of nurses, thus forming three entry level of nursing, Diploma, Associate and Baccalaureate of nursing. This discussion leave alone compensate the difference in competencies between the associate degree and Baccalaureate degree nurses. The ADN program was started to despatch the need of nurses in the post war years.This is a cardinal years program that teaches the nurse to ply comfort the physiologic stability and peaceful death. (Yoder 2010). This program was also seen as an ideal course fo r those who favor a faster and inexpensive route of becoming a registered nurse. Even though the bedside practice of the ADN and BSN nurses are similar, the ADN nurse focuses on the practical assistance more than the theory. The difference in competencies can be seen in the extra two years required for the BSN program.These graduates are exposed to more prerequisites theory, leadership management, research and community of interests based health courses. (Spensor 2008). They are more prepared for the ever changing heath trouble knowledge base because their main focus, are evidence based practice. They are taught to think independently, use judgment, deprecative thinking, reasoning and finish making skills, to understand the situation at hand before providing care, and by utilizing these skill they are divulge able to work within interdisciplinary team and have better long-suffering care outcome.An example of this was observed in a patient care situation on a med surgical uni t, where the ADN nurse was taking care of a patient with history of uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension who was about to be discharged. His crease glucose was regularly monitored, medication was dispensed appropriately and she made sure that he was receiving the appropriate diet tray from the kitchen. and when his call light was answered by the BSN nurse she noticed that he had a bundle of potato chips and almost cookies on his bedside table that was open.She addressed his need, then told him that she noticed the cookies and potato chips at his bedside, which he admitted to be snacking on, and added that the cookies were clams free and chips were not very salty and that was all he could really afford. The BSN nurse was able to address the situation at hand and was able to teach the pt that even though a packet may read sugar free did not mean it was ok to have. Since it can be fill up with carbohydrates, which break down into sugar.She then collaborated with interdisciplina ry team of dietician and social services to prepare this patient for discharge, where this patient and his family were taught how to comply with his diet, by learning how read labels, choose foods, and the important of doing so. Social services tally that he was provided with the information of community based resources in his neighborhood that will attend to his financial as well as his social needs.Even though the ADN nurses bedside nursing was appropriate, it was clear that the two extra years of understanding the concept behind the skills separated a nurse that use critical thinking from one that performed task. In response to the ever changing healthcare system a high degree of nurses are sought. Therefore the nursing programs help to equip graduates to provide excellent and holistic care while encouraging them to achieve lifelong quest for knowledge and the pursuit of advance professional degree.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Bruce Lee – the Art of Expressing the Human Body
c I I I I iii compiled and emended by John Little I c I c. n The Bruce ee ibrarij As revealed with the notes, letters, diaries, interviews, reading annotations, and library of Bruce Lee The 8rt of Expressing the Human Hod By John Little TUTTLE PUBLISHING To kyo Rutland , Verm ont Sin gapore disavowal Please note that the publisher and author(s) of this instructional book are NOT RESPONSIBLE in both manner whatsoever for any injury that may result from practicing the techniques and/or following the instructions abandoned within. Martial Arts training can be dangerous- both to you and to others- if not practiced safely.If youre in enquiry as 0 how to proceed or whether your practice is safe, consult with a trained martial arts teacher before beginning. Since the physical activities described herein may be too strenuous in record for some readers, it is also essential that a physician be consulted forward to training. All photos appearing in this hook are courtesy of the arc hive of Linda Lee Cadwell, the Estate of Bruce Lee, and Warner Brothers Films. First published in 1998 by Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. , with editorial offices ar 364 Innovation Drive, N orth Clarendon, Vermont 05759. Copyright 1998Linda Lee CadwellAll rights reserved. No segment of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior written permission from the publisher. Library of Congress Caraloging-in-Publicarion Dara Lee, Bruce, 1940-1973. The art of expressing the human body / by Bruce Lee compiled and emended by John Lirrle p. cm. -the Bruce Lee library v. 4) ISBN 0-8048-3129-7 (pb) I. Bodybuilding- Training. 2. Physical Fitness. 3. Lee, Bruce. Lee, Bruce, 1940-1973. Bruce Lee library v. 4. GV546. 5. L44 1998 6 I3. 7I
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