Saturday, December 28, 2019
There Are Two Types of People
There Are Two Types of People There are two types of people born everyday. These types of people are either male or female. In some parts of the world, the difference between these two types of people defines the role each will play throughout their lives. The male person is usually the larger boned of the two types of people. Biologically, he is typically the more physically stronger than the average female. Growing lists of medical facts distinctively gender related reveal differences in how these two types of peoples’ brains work differently. Gender based findings provide the main differences between the way these two types of peoples’ brains do work. Male Brains Men, contrary to some incorrect beliefs do not have a larger brain than women – but it is distinctively made of harder stuff making them very hard headed. This is especially true when it comes to asking directions when they are lost. Rather than admitting they are lost they will even comment when told to ask for directions, â€Å"No this is an adventure†. That comment makes some sort of primal sense because modern man evolved much too quickly becoming civilized and having no longer the â€Å"need†to hunt to be the brute not that long ago protecting his cave and the tribe. It is this sense of no closure from the advances of civilization ripping him from his primal environment. It makes perfect sense. At the top of the brain is a golf ball sized portion dedicated to functioning around sports involving the use of a ball and is only outsized by the portion of the brain dedicated to dangerous pursuits. Nearly overtaking the area where the medulla oblongata is located is a large region of this type of person’s brain where addictions center and is easily stimulated by TV and RF remote controls. In the frontal lobe where human attention abilities function, unfortunately, in men this gender based characteristic is at best, extremely underdeveloped and lies right next to the barely identifiable region used for listening. The largest portion of the male brain that has little change since the long ago migration from the cave into human dwellings, communities, cities, and nations is the part of the brain controlling domestic skills. Interestingly enough the smallest distinguishable region of the male brain is the pin-sized portion sitting just before the large domestic skills region called toilet aiming capacity. Female Brain The largest distinguishable portion of a female brain is located in the center and I called the headache generator. Toward the frontal area of a female brain and only slightly smaller than the headache is the box shaped portion dedicated to the passion of shoes. Strongly gender based and only identifiable in the female brain is this fashion sense portion of any aged female brain. Like the male counterpart of these two types of people the smallest portion of the female brain having to do with the toilet is the pinhead sized area functioning as toilet cleaning ability. An egg-sized shaped portion of the female brain located center and top just underneath the skull is the impulse shopping part. Adjacent to and just back of the impulse shopping part of the female brain is a large section completely dedicated to remembering anniversaries and birthdays. Interestingly, this ability does not exist anywhere in a male brain. Another relatively large portion of the female brain located atop the medulla oblongata is the gossip control portion of the female brain. While this is normally found no where in the male brain, new research in the 21st century in older males has revealed unusually high incidences of this type brain tissue latently appearing in growing numbers of males over the age of 40 years. At this time, there exist no research base statistics on this new male brain development. The frontal region of the female brain is only slightly showing new development for realization of wants versus needs. Current reports of ongoing studies of this region reveal the implications of some benign neuron activity appearing in females over the age of 30. Conclusive evidence has yet to be published, whereas the area the size of a middle finger located adjacent to the headache generator id the gold digging sensory that new studies reveal is shrinking in new generations of females in the 21st century. Another region the size of a dime located in the lower frontal lobe area of the female brain is the area stimulated by shiny things, diamonds, and particularly aligned with the female olfactory abilities. Again, this is an area typically not found in the male brain. Conversely, the female brain shows no development of the driving skills region of the brain located in the bottom rear area. The Facts about Beer New research reveals that the chemical make up of beer does have significant traces of female hormones. Testing this on men for reactions resulted in 100 volunteers consuming 12 pints of beer. One hundred percent of the volunteers gained unwanted weight. They also began talking incessantly without making any sense. On top of the mounting evidence of the impact of the identified female hormones on the males, consuming the beer was the rise in the emotional levels of the participant. Further research is pending. The differences in the brains of these two types of people, continues being studied for their gender based characteristics. Future studies hope to identify how these differences contribute to the ability of these two type people functioning as contributing members of the 21st century society.
Friday, December 20, 2019
A Brief History of the Great Compromise - 681 Words
There’s was an issue among the 13 colonies. Virgina want to make two parts in the congress. They want to do have a House and Senate. New Jersey wanted it to stay the same and each state should have one vote. The New Jersey Plan proposed a unicameral (one-house) legislature in which all states had the same number of representatives no matter what the population was. This plan was, not surprisingly, the favorite of smaller states, which stood to gain power from it. Smaller states of course had a lower population than the bigger, more populated states. How would the votes be far to have the votes deal with population when other states have more people than smaller states. Less populated states like Delaware were afraid that this arrangement would result in their voices being drowned out by the larger states. Many delegates felt that the agreement did not have the authority to completely disregard the Articles of Confederation, as the Virginia Plan would have. The Article of Confederation was an agreement among the 13 founding states that established the United States of America as a confederation of sovereign states. The New Jersey Plan would have left the Articles of Confederation in place, but would have amended them to somewhat increase Congresss powers. Many delegates felt that separation of powers was not enough to prevent one branch of the government from overruling, so they also created a system of checks and balances to balance power even further. Under thisShow MoreRelatedThe Impact Of Pre Civil War On The United States986 Words  | 4 PagesMexican-American War, the first Missouri compromise, the second Missouri compromise, the fugitive slave law, and the tariff of 1825. Henry Clay was debatably the most influential of the three giants. According he was born in the state of Kentucky. He earned his place in the triumvirate the same way he earned his nick name â€Å"the great compromiser†. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Definition Of Art Essay Example For Students
Definition Of Art Essay Although one probably cannot give a real definition of art, Arthur Danto, professor of philosophy at Columbia University , believes that today you cant say somethings art or not art anymore. Thats all finished. In his book, Danto argues that after Andy Warhol exhibited simulacra of shipping cartons for Brillo boxes in 1964, anything could be art. There are three cognitive processes critical to making art, they are: 1. Interpreting natural symbols such as hoof prints (natural history intelligence); 2. Intentional communication (i.e., social intelligence); and 3. The ability to produce artifacts from mental templates, e.g. a stone hand axe (technical intelligence). Anything might be art. Art is what is made by an artist. Then, what is an artist? This is what John Fowles has to say about the artist: To be an artist is not to be a member of a secret society; it is not an activity inscrutably forbidden to the majority of mankind. Even the clumsiest, ugliest and most ignorant lovers make love; and what is important is the oneness of man in making artifacts, not the abyss said to exist between a Leonardo and the average of mankind.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Communication Gap Between the Sexes free essay sample
Men are more non-verbal and build relationships through completing tasks. When men and women are communicating with each other, it is important to recognize how the other is communicating. It also is important to actively listen and be engaged in communication. Males and females, while very different, are capable of creating relationships with each other that can be successful through good communication. Timid Language * When women are feeling less confident, they will cover themselves. Crossed arms and legs, shielding with accessories like handbags, and looking down are all signs of a woman who is not particularly confident at the moment. Men, on the other hand, will just fidget more. Theyll adjust their watches, take their wallets out and tap their feet. They will also cover themselves, but not to the extent that women do. Eye Contact * Both men and women use eye contact to communicate nonverbally, but they use it in different ways. We will write a custom essay sample on Communication Gap Between the Sexes or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Women use eye contact to communicate, to nonverbally tell someone that she has their full attention. Men, on the other hand, use eye contact to intimidate by nonverbally asserting dominance. This means that since men and women use the same nonverbal communication tactic to different ends they may interpret it differently when confronted with it. Closeness * Men tend to keep distances from people when they talk to them and touch them less. Women do the opposite, standing close to people and touching them to emphasize points and generally connect with whoever they are talking to. This is a key nonverbal difference because, like the others, it can be interpreted in different ways by different genders. In men: the signals are simplistic  legs apart, more hair stroking, they stare longer at the woman, they play more with objects, more self-touch (more means more than usual, not more than women), hands tucked in belt toward the pelvis, opening a shirt button, and hands in pocket. In women: Body language is far richer  lower the shirt sleeve, play longer with their hair, emphasize thighs movements, more licking lips, more  legs crossing exchange, they will remove their feet from shoe, more stretching to enhance their chest, keep legs apart.
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