Friday, December 21, 2018
'Principles of Advertising Study Guide\r'
'* Advertising pedigree †Either using an agency or grow your own publicise segment/ give nonice (of) on your own. Government †is a restrictive body, make reveal laws to regulate publicise, things you say up advertise and things you spatet advertise Cigargonte Comercials on TV Lobby †Corp difficult to lobby gov. to change for the faithful, two forces, that c in every up gov, is a constructive thing and prizes its undecomposed for them to regulate e rattlingthing and keep things in order. opposites who think the gov. needs to be smaller, and that they should non hand over as overmuch control. Society †the finishing that your brought up in, tradition, morals and values of the hatful. line of work pay †the add of m integrityy involved in advertizing to promote your result. cheat oning †de callination a need that the mass requisite, and cream that need. Advertising †Non psycheal (to every one(a) whose watching, non adept to one soul), Always paid for, discourse of info ab go forth the companies reaping, service or idea by the various medias (Television, Radio, Magazines, Internet) semipublic Relations †figuring start what the great deal want. prevalentity †exactly standardized advertizement exclusively free Personal transporting †what you carry oning is relatively expensive, and exclusive. Trade shows †where companies aim to meet perspective corp. uyers, they hindquarters barter for a hazard of stuff on behalf of their troupe. Promotions †any inducement or inflammation to position you excited some the companies crossing. (giving come in free t-shirts) Operations †whatever the party does Types of markets advertize goes after Consumer Market †things you great power see on tv or hear on the radio Business/Profesional Market Government †Trying to sell things to the government, and Profesional †advertise for leveling softw be , and things that your generally not going to read for pleasure, but there going to be ways to remediate your demarcation.Bar Magazines, no one is going to taint the stuff in that magazine, but owners of restraunts are going to grease ones palms it. Business †onerous to get your beer on the first shelf, and fillings with the grocery store , or hard drink store Integrated Marketing agreement †Customers hear from a various amount of assorted markets. (Flagler College contrast Cards) The consistency so everyone knows what a companies to the highest degree, and what their show, logotype, and slogan is.All state †pay tail end their lil slogan on anything they hand out, â€Å"The proficient Hands Peopleâ€Â, and develop their logo on almost things, and have their strain that they incessantly give, so it impart decease in peoples memories and they associate everything their company with it. artistry to creating proper advertizement to get their mental object out properly. Theres going to be a persona (Spokesperson), a Medium (Getting the put across out with a catchy enunciate or nearlything) , and the way people go forth receive it. Spokesperson †Someone that speaks on behalf of a company. hey can be a person (like William Shatner for priceline) but they can as well be a persona (like Ronald Mc’Donald), pretty much any person that’s getting the companies message out. They should be catchy, and will apply catchy phrases (subway foot-long song, or I want my Baby cover version Ribs) You need that artistic eye, certain warp combos can provoke all the deviation and mean completely different things. A lot of magazines they will advertise things as cosmos bigger, and sounding mitigate than they are. A lot of companies will cut out some of the product, Bags of potato chips, fashioning a beer only 11. 5 ounces kind of than 12. out of 5 dentist barrack it ( that’s not a lot of dentist out of the millions that exist) Price economic Argument †Argument that competition exclusive Distributions †you need to acquire the proficient to sell a certain product in that area. Advertising perpetuating stereotypes †publicizing can sometimes bring out stereotypes for certain people. They have women in the kitchen in commercials, and men always doing the work. Ad agencies need to regulate themselves, they very meet every year to exercise out what they can do, and what they can’t do. FTC †Federal trade commission deal with any company that does trade with much than than one state.If there is not work involved in much than one state than it is generally just adjust by the states capital The FTC will posit people to not air something, and comprise sure that nothing offensive is on the air. If you don’t sign the combine to agree wherefore you have make another commercial correcting your mistake, and putting out a modern ad with the co rrection on your expense. (corrective publicizing) Puffery †is exaggeration, and that is something you can do. * self actualization †becoming the top , ceo, of a company, you’ve prove to the world that your at the top, and are very successful. Generally these people will buy the expensive cars, boats, jets, watches, and ect. * Assumption Factor †neer assume you know what your bum is, or what they want. * Task Utility †product or service that does something for you, makes doing a task easier. * Premade regimen * Form good †when a producer puts together hundreds of pieces that you would not want to do. * A computer being built for you, a chair, ect. * Time Utility †product or service available when you want it. * mint’t buy a Harley Davidson right away, going to be at least(prenominal) a few months to get one. * Where utility †the product is available where you want.This includes being delivered to your ho expenditure. * â₠¬Å" experience is the ve absolveicality†â€ if you perceive a product to be better, than it is. * * Ch. 1 Advertising straight off Advertising lets customer aware of a product, comprehend what its used for, and see how it is different from its competition. Info will serve create a conviction, that this product is better. It will then give the customer a believe to buy from this retailer, and help them take the follow out to buy a product. Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) †when consumers receive consistent and positive messages close to a brand.Marketing Communications †Tools that companies and organizations use to initate and maintain contact with their customer, clients, and prospects. Advertising †is the unified and constitute nonpersonal communicating of info, ordinarily paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products by identified shits through various media. A type of communication, structured, and composed Directed to group s of people, not individuals so its nonpersonal Most is paid for by sponsors Public service messages †carried at no care because of their nonprofit organization status. Product †encompasses goods, operate, and ideas.Medium †the channel of communication publicize reaches us through. Word of blab out (WOM) †when you tell somebody how much you like a product. Becoming more favorite thanks to twitter and showbook. Mass Media †the tralatitious way of advertising. Addressable media †direct mail. synergistic media †the internet Nontradional media †shopping carts, blimps, and dvds. * Two types of dimensions in advertising * Communication dimension †how advertising is in truth a form of structured, literary communication. Marketing dimension †explains the important persona advertising plays in business.Economic dimension †shows how and why advertising evolved as it did. Social and honest dimension †con spotrs the impact o f advertising on consumers, businesses and fraternity. * Source Dimension Sponsor †the company advertising a product or idea, legally creditworthy for the communication and has a message to communicate to actual consumers. reference †the sponsors ad agency, a creative squad at an ad agency. Persona †authorized or imaginary spokesperson who lends some voice or tone to the ad. * substance dimension Autobiographical †tell a story about myself to you the imaginary audience.Narrative messages †a third-person persona tells a story about others to an imagined audience. Drama message †the characters act out events directly in front on an imagined epmpathetic audience. * Reciever Dimensions Implied consumers †Adressed by the ad’s persona, imagined by the ad’s creators to be the standard consumers who accept uncritically the arguments made by the ad. Sponsorial consumer- the gatekeepers who dissolve if the ad will take to the woods or n ot, group of decision makers at the sponsors organization. Actual Consumer †people in the square world who make up the ad’s target audience.They will actually get to see and hear the ad . * Feedback †completes the cycle, verifying that the message was received. * Every business has three broad functional stratum †Operations, Finance, and Marketing. * Marketing †the process of planning and put to death the conception, pricing, distribution, and onward motion of ideas, goods, and services to create exchanges that atisfy the sensed needs, wants, and objectives of individuals and organizations. Consumer advertising †most advertising locomote under this category. Retail advertising †advertising sponsored by retail stores and businesses. PSA (Public serve well Announcements) â€Industrial / Business Markets Business to business †rarely seen by the actually consumer, because they will generally specialize in one department. Kitchen Magazin es for restraunts. Trade Advertising †Wholesalers, retailers, and dealers. Generally a product is sold to these companies so they can get rid of a mass quanity at one time. Professional advertising †advertising aimed at teachers, accountants, doctors, engineers, ect. Used to entice professionals to recommend or prescribe a specific product or service, to buy brands of equipment and supplies for use in their work, or to use the product personally.Agricultural advertising †to promote products and services used in agriculture to farmers and other employed in agribusiness. Price strategies †range of a function advertising †creates a perception of a company or a genius for a brand, is rarely explicit about price. Almost never mention price, but always say how cool it is to have their product. Sale advertising †used most often by retailers, dealers, and shops to call attendance to a recent drop in the price of a brand or service. Place : Global, internat ional, national, regional, and topical anaesthetic.Promotion Personal selling †face to face interaction or telemarketing. commonly high priced items like cars or real estate. Product advertising †service and goods Nonproduct advertising †sells ideas Noncommercial advertising †seeks donations, volunteers, or changes in consumer behavior. Awareness advertising †wants to create an image for a product and position it competitively with the goal of getting readers or viewrers more aware of their product. Action advertising (Direct-response) †terms free number for immediate information.Sales promotion †coupons, free samples, contests, or rebates on the get price. Public Relations †Collateral materials †brocures, catalogs, posters, sales kits, instruction booklet, ect. Art Director †responsible for visuals Creative Director †responsible for all creative departments Typically comes from the copy side * Graphic designer †works on the visuals * Rainmaker †acountive executive, they pitch what advertising agency can do * Copy-writer †responsible for the slogan, and words * Resignance †you get what the ad is laborious to get through, or say to you. Relevant †good ads should all be relevant, has some type of reason. * What good advertising should do : Inform †where is product, how much does it cost, what is it, Persuasion †should give you reasons to try product or service Reminding †have to track to let you know that they are even so there. Objective statement †what ad is trying to accomplish, are you solving a problem, something that makes intent easier Supportive Statement †what can you put in there to support what you are saying Getting a spokesperson, athlete to go in there to back up the product.Primary lead †demand for the wide product class Selective demand †demand for a busy brand. teemingness principle †states that in an economy that produces more goods and services than can be consumed, advertising serves two important purposes. Keeps consumers informed of their alternatives (Complete information) It allows companies to make do more effectively for consumer dollars (Self-Interest) * Why people are against advertising Short term manipulative arguments †saying advertising is cheapjack or manipulative.Puffery †exaggerated, mental objective claims that can’t be proven true or false, such as â€Å"the bestâ€Â, or â€Å"the only way to flyâ€Â. Non-product facts †aimed not at the product but the consumer, and does not really give any information about the actual product. Such as â€Å"Pepsi. The choice of a new generationâ€Â. Social or enviormental impact of advertising †semipermanent macro arguments. Manipulates us into purchasing things we don’t need. Replacing our citizen commonwealth with a selfish consumer democracy.Only 17 percentage of consumers view advert ising as a source of information to help them decide what to buy. Too much advertising. * Ethical †heart doing what is morally right in a given situation. * Social responsibility †doing what society views as the best for the welfare of people in general or for a specific community of people. * CARU (Childrens Advertising refresh Unit †promotes responsible children’s advertising and to respond to public concerns, self regulatory guidelines for childrens advertising. * Fair information practice principlesNotice †requires website to all the way post its privacy policy plectron †consumers level of control over being profiled and how their information is used Access †top executive for consumer to access information collected about them and make amendments to it. Security †requires advitisers to protect the data they have colleceted Enforcement †requires all industry members subject themselves to third party monitoring by independent co mpany. FTC †major regulator of advertising for products sold in interstate commerce.Substantiation †keep data and scientific studies to their products purpose Endorsements †the person promoting the product can’t be misleading, he has to actually use that product himself. Affirmative disclosure †gives health warnings Remedies for below the belt advertising Consent decree †record the advertiser signs agreeing to stop the objectionable advertising Cease and desist order †when take on decree wont be write ftc may prohibit further use of the ad. Corrective decree †explains how their ad was amiss(p) before and corrects the misleading mistake.FCC †responsible for protect the public interest and encouraging competition. quaternity distinct groups in advertising Advertisers †companies that sponsor advertising for themselves and their products. Advertising agencies †helps the advertisers plan, create, and prepare ad campaigns and other promotional materials. Suppliers †assist some(prenominal) advertisers and agencies in preparing advertising materials. Media †sell time and space to carry the advertisers message to the target audience.Local advertising †targeting customers in their geographic area. sometimes called retail advertising because retail stores account for so much of it. Dealers or local franchisees of national companies. Stores sell a classification of items. (grocery, department stores, convience) Speciality businesses and services (Banks, restaurants) Governmental, and nonprofit organizations. Product advertising †promotes a specific product or service veritable(a) price-line advertising †informs consumers about services or merchandise offered at regular prices.Accounting firms talent use regualar price-line Sales advertising †placing items on sale and offering deals Clearance advertising †making room for a new product line getting rid of the old stuff at a low price Institutional advertising †create a favorable long-term perception of the business as a whole, not just of a particular product or service. â€Å"Im loving campagnâ€Â. more than of an idea Classified advertising †locate and recruit new empoyees, offer services, sell or lease merchandise.Integrated marketing communications †(IMC) joining together in a consistent manner everything that communicates with customers. Co-op advertising †build the manufacturers brand image and to help its distributors, dealers, or retailers make more sales. Newspapers †want to advertise in newspaper because a lot of people, different sections for different types of ads, and can also be local. Disadvantage †unretentive production, no high quality biography and mostly black and white. Ad is ordinarily short termed, because new paper comes out everyday.\r\n'
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