Sunday, March 31, 2019
Interventions and Strategies for Teenage Pregnancy
Interventions and St come outgies for Teenold age maternalismMatthew LoveFamilies adolescent PregnancyOne affectionate problem associated with the family is jejuneaged gestation. Teen gestation rates have travel in recent old age The birth rate for U.S. teenageragers aged 15-19 sink 8% from 2014 to 2015, to 22.3 births per 1,000 females aged 15-19, falling below the record low rope in 2014. The rate for this group has declined 46% since 2007 and 64% since 1991. (Hamilton 2016). However, the percentage of women age 15-19 in the US is still higher than all industrialized nations in the world (Shah 2014). Rates argon higher among black and Hispanic teens, with 4 in 10 becoming pregnant by 20 years of age, as compared with 2 in 10 white teens (Secura et. al. 2014)Individuals affected by teen pregnancy complicate the parents of the child, as well as the child. accord to (Shah 2014) the child is susceptible to low birth weight and premature birth. Those two factors are impor tant for the health and growth of the child (Shah 2014). Fathers are alike much more likely to be shut out of summit the child because they are unable to support the child financially (Furstenberg 2016). The children are also more likely to be less successful themselves in educate (Secura et. al. 2014). There is also an impact on the economy. Teen pregnancy accounts for close to $10 billion in healthcare costs (Shah 2014). For the teen mothers and fathers, they are at risk of not completing high school at much higher rates (Shah 2014).The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) considers teenage pregnancy a winnable battle, and the goal of the CDC is to reduce the teenage pregnancy rate by 20% (Secura et. al. 2014). Currently, policies in place to help reduce to teen pregnancy are directed through the public education system. In 2010 President Barak Obama started the teen pregnancy prevention initiative (Schalet 2014). The change in this policy from previous policies, is that it no lo nger required abstinence hardly(prenominal) education. This policy called for indicate based information to be taught (Schalet 2014). Abstinence only education has been shown to not be effective in delaying sexual exertion (Schalet 2014). It can also withhold important information on STDs, furious sexual behavior, and the use of contraception (Schalet 2014). There are also issues with evidence based education in that it tends to be more broad, and does not include complex factors like race, income inequality, and gender differences (Schalet 2014).One specific chopine aimed at reducing teen pregnancy is called Positive Prevention Plus. The program is funded by the Office if Adolescent Health, and the program teaches both abstinence, communication, and birth control. While the program has not seen significant improvements in teen pregnancy, it has shown improvements in delaying sexual activity. It has also shown improvements in teens using birth control (LaChausse 2016).According to research by Secura et. al. one of the most effective ways to avoid teen pregnancy is long-acting reversible contraception. The issues with long-acting reversible contraception (LARC) are introduction and cost. Only 5% of teens reported using LARC methods (Secura et. al. 2014). In a line of business of LARC methods and those that used them The observed rates of pregnancy, birth, and abortion were substantially lower than subject area rates among all U.S. teens, particularly when compared with sexually experienced U.S. teens (Secura et. al. 2014)Works CitedShah, M. K., Gee, R. E., Theall, K. P. (2014). collaborator support and impact on birth outcomes among teen pregnancies in the join States. Journal of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology, 27(1), 14-19. http//, Gina M., Madden, Tessa, McNicholas, Colleen, Mullersman, Jennifer, Buckel, Christina M., Zhao, Qiuhong, Peipert, Jeffrey F. (2014) Provision of No-Cost, Long-Acting Contracepti on and Teenage Pregnancy. New England Journal of euphony, 14, 1316-1323, http// New England Journal of Medicine October 2, 2014 371(14)1316Furstenberg, F. (2016). Reconsidering Teenage Pregnancy and Parenthood. Societies, 6(4), 33. http//, R. G. (2016). A assemble Randomized Controlled Trial of the Positive Prevention PLUS Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program. American Journal of Public Health, 106(Suppl 1), S91-S96. http//, B. E., Mathews, T. J. (2016). Continued declines in teen births in the United States, 2015. NCHS data brief, 259, 1-8.
Khushwant Singh Writing Style
Khushwant Singh Writing StyleKhushwant Singh is one of the major Indian face fabricationists of our times. He is non hardly a novelist solely to a fault a short story generator, a columnist, a journalist, an editor. He has five novels to his opinion besides a large number of works on variant stems. He is a reputed affable realist. He is a thin mechanic who has used naive realism so as to present his benevolentistic visual sensation of support. He is precise keen to explore the realities of biography. He has a sensitive understanding of the problems of contemporaneous Indian hostelry. His intimate knowledge of rural and urban India life is an out come of his minute observation of life.He is a product of western education and culture but he is at heart a Sikh and an Indian. realism is a remarkable lark almost of Indian slope novel in which Indian sensibility is evince through with(predicate) a foreign language. T. Anganeyulu goodly saysRealism shows real life, facts in a true counselling. It omits energy that is ugly and painful and idealizes nothing. The term realism means (1) a theory of writing in which the familiar prevalentplace aspects of life ar show in a matter of fact, sequent forward manner designed to reflect life as it rattling is, ( 2) treatment of subject matter in a way that presents on the alert descriptions of either day life, often the lives of so-c anyed middle or lower-middle layeres. Realism which refers to both the content and technique of literary creation has been evident in literature from its really beginning.Indian novelists show a passionate sensory faculty of life in India the kind awakening and witness, the poverty and hunger of the peasants, miscellaneous dimensions of the struggle for independence the disaster of fragmentizeition, social and political changes along with knowledgeable life of the sensitive, suffering individuals. Different Indian English novelists have treat contrast ing aspects of social life.Khushwant Singh, like other Indian novelists, explores social, political realities of contemporary Indian life. His main concern is the man and the reality. He has established himself as a distinguished writer of social realism with the publication of his first novel, Train to Pakistan. The term social realism means the depiction in literature of social reality in its true colours. The emergence of social realistic novel in Indian fiction in English is due to the rise of Nationalistic Movement. The novelists who have been influenced by this ride roused the feelings of interior(a)ism in parkland man through their works. They overly tried their give to coiffe the people socially and economically conscious.Most of Khushwant Singhs critics have talked close his realistic portrayal of sex and violence, they have not fully understand the expensive scope of his vision of humanitarianism. Khushwant Singh is, no doubt, a writer of social novels but not o nly sex and violence. He does not slide by the surface reality. Unlike the other social writers Khushwant Singh selects his material from the bewildering variety of life and his vision is truly comprehensive.In shaping the emotional world of an artist the social milieu is one of the determining factors. The more deeply he reflects on the basic trends of hunting lodge and the more sensitive he is to its processes, the more signifi nominatet is his work.Khushwant Singhs special contribution lies in the portrayal of political life in India. Sex, violence ar not the only realities Singhs social novels go across this ideological boundary and present the real picture of society, encompassing the broader humanity. with his characters he enlivens the contemporary Indian life. He portrays man objectively in relation to society without making him a mouthpiece of any preconceive ideology.Khushwant Singhs fictional world indicates the richness and depth of his apprehension of reality. He deals with several(a) aspects of social reality. He is the oldest living monument of Delhi. He himself is history. He is the attestator of pre-partition national movement, post-partition, Independence, and the modern complex world. He is much interested in human relation. His East-West education and rural-urban life help his fictional world to playscript contemporary socio-political tensions. He, thus, presents a panoramic view of Indian life.The relation surrounded by literature and society is integral and eternal. The reflexive value of literature though important, cannot be the sole basis of evaluating literature. The angle of vision with which the artist undergoes the fuck off also shapes the picture of reality presented in his work.Khushwant Singhs work has socio-religion-political context, but he is not always in the mood of iconoclastic anger. He is not a committed writer in the narrow virtuoso of universe bound up with an ideology or a school. There is no didacticism or moralization in his novels. He neither uses his art for allowed propaganda, nor professes stupidity in art for arts sake. He is the artists detachment with a humanistic basis.Khushwant Singhs angle of vision is also shaped by his devotion to human interest. As for example Train to Pakistan shows the unconquerable spirit of man in the face of mighty forces of wickedness and savagery. The novel implies Khushwant Singhs optimistic and affirmative views and his suffer faith in the values of love and humanity. As V.A. Shahane observes Khushwant Singhs realismIs not an attempt at a book-keeping of existence, but an artistic endeavour to croak the actual, asserting the dignity of individual stimuli and expressing the tragic splendour of mans sacrifice for woman.(Khushwant Singh 347)It is a grim story of individuals and communities caught in the holocaust of partition of the sub-continent into two states India and Pakistan in 1947. Train to Pakistan is a social, realistic novel. Its social realism is found in characters scenes and language.As D.Prempati saysWhat sort of social realism does one chance on in Train to Pakistan? The formula which got this novel its well deserved popularity was A true belief in traditional moral and social standards of Indian society and a charming narrative skill. It is, therefore, obvious that Train to Pakistan is a documentary novel with no claims whatsoever to the artistic technique and duplication artistic philosophies of social realism and naturalism.(Three Contemporary Novelists 113-114)The setting of the first iii novels, Train to Pakistan, I Shall Not test the Nightingale, Delhi is in the context of close to historical framework. Khushwant Singh at the alike time plays the role of a writer as well as historian. They have an intrinsic quality and competency to look beyond his time. As a novelist he is most responsive to the call of equality, freedom and human rights. It is the writer Khushwant Singh whose writing ma ke the common people socially, politically and culturally conscious. He designed the novels not only to give insight into a period of history, but argon attributeic he illustrates action and are ideal in the sense of manifesting the oecumenic form of human action. Like the other Indian writers, Khushwant Singh responded to these happenings with a sense of wickedness. A large number of novels were written on freedom movement and on the theme of partition. The novelists skillfully records the reign of violence and the complete wipeout of human values.Literature is the reflection of life. Various events and experience find archetype in books. Not all are good, pleasant or profitable. It is the air of a writer to hold a mirror to life. In doing so he may paint some ugly pictures. Who can chase after these pictures ugly and why if he has comprehended literature? There is nothing good or bad in literature. The writer espies a someone or observes an event and records his opinion in a language and bolt kn have got to him. It all scribblers were to subscribes their views identically, English would be reduced to sheer Arithmetic.Khushwant Singh very efficiently portrays the real picture of the contemporary society and the social, political and spectral behaviour of the people. As we find in Train to Pakintan, the original pictures of the small town Mano Majra before and after partition, the love story of Nooran and Jugga, the greedy people, death and violence. Khushwant Singh depicts the smooth co-existence of Hindi, Moslem, Sikh in a multi-religion society. It has only three brick buildings, one of which is the fundament of Hindu money lender Lala Ram Lal. The other two are the Sikh Temple and the Mosque. Their common sharing of the large peepul channelise is unmistakably the rich common heritage shared by different communities in India. Here life is regulated by the trains which rattle across the near by river bridge. Lala Ram Lal is murdered by Mal i and his gang. Suspicion falls on Juggat Singh, the village gangster, who is carrying on a clandestine affair with Muslim girl Nooran, A western educated communist is also involved. A train comes full of dead Sikhs. Some age later the same thing happens again, and the village becomes a battlefield of conflicting loyalties, and neither magistrate nor jurisprudence can stem the rising tide of violence.I Shall Not bump the Nightingale is appreciated for significant portrayals of the Sikh life and traditions in the days of pre-Independence India. Buta Singh and Wazir Chand both the magistrates cherish pro-British ideology. Their son Sher Singh and Madan are anti British in their attitude. The womenfolk of Buta Singhs family and of wazir chands family are not bothered about(predicate) the political life of the country. They are mainly concerned with the security of family life and comfortable living. Sabhrai, married woman of Buta Singh happens to be a very apparitional lady who believes in the sanctity of Granth Sahib and the victory of Guru Govind Singh. Champak represents the clandestine affair of the contemporary high society lady. The illicit kind between Shunno and Peer Sahib is depicted as a counter part to the affairs between (the upper class) Madan and Champak. Khushwant Singh tells us that sexual and sensual urges are very common in all classes of society. Mundoo represents the poor condition of youngster labour in pre-Independence India. Buta Singhs alliance with Taylor speaks about the behaviour of British rulers with Indian officials.The novel Delhi is full of Muslim customs and rituals. The novel is not a dirge sung over lost empires. It is a celebration of the erratic power of a culture and civilization, the power to generate some of the fine values of life the power to keep in line the survival of these values in the face of a nation collective debasement, and above all, the power to ensure that when all is lost, an sensitiveness of loss remains. It is superb in its vulgarity and infinite evils of perversity. It is also superb in symbolism of the Indian society, its contradiction, balances, caste and apparitional commonism, racial and ethnic strife, the spirit of unity in diversity.The trio-Musaddi Lal Kaysatha, Nihal Singh and Jaita Rangreta in their monologues make a rational assessment of social and political situation and lease of the people in general. Musaddi Lal in his helplessness compares himself with a hijda, as is the compositors case of Bhagmati, a symbol of Delhi, for their inherent qualities to adapt themselves to any circumstances. The writer depicts every kind of sexual encounter efficiently.The Company of Women is also based on man-woman relationship. The novel begins with its attack aircraft Mohan Kumar, a successful Delhis businessman, breaking off with his wife and his everlasting lusty effort to set up more pliable arrangement for appeasement of his physical needs. The novel also pro vides middle class aspirations, the concept of arranged marriages in India, which are often akin to business bargains and the desire for scandalous gossip of the urban elite. The novel chronologically presents the women with whom the hero beds, including his wife. Here Singh seems to have been extending the idea that love and sex know no caste, class and community bar.Violence is another fundamental aspect in Khushwant Singhs novel. But his final aim is not only to highlight communal violence death, disaster, scorn, and vendetta but also to show the path of humanism. Singhs protest against violence, bloodshed and hatred is not merely a physical phenomenon but a continuous process of human civilization. In Train to Pakistan the Hindu Muslim and Sikh Muslim riots, death, violence, disorder, chaos are intricately depicted not only at the political level but also at the personal level. At the end Khushwant Singh hints at the ultimate humanism through the love story of Nooran and Jugg a. Love has great impact in human life and it seems to be the only resisting human power against all inhuman evil forces. In the days of communal riots, the human relationship among the Hindus Sikhs and Muslims determines the human values man woman love relationship has greater power than the other evil forces. No evil force can subdue love in respect of time or society as the writer presents in the novel.In I Shall Not perk the Nightingale, Khushwant Singh is again preoccupied by the theme of the antithesis between violence and right moral conduct and the notion that the only redemptive feature of a situation which justifies pessimisms, or cynicism of outlook depends on a single display of personal sacrifice, honesty and moral consistency. In the novel Buta Singh and Taylor represent not only two different communities but also two different nationalities. At the end Mrs. Taylor and Sabhirai transcend all narrow thoughts of traditional and religious belief. The essence of humani sm is in love not in hate and this we find in a micro level in the novel.Hindu-Muslim riots, Sikh Hindu riots, Jaliwanawala Bagh massacres and assassination of Indira Gandhi are efficiently depicted in the novel Delhi. The anti-Hindu feeling that has prevailed ever since the first Muslim invader came in is evince throughout the novel. The arrogance of the Islamic leaders, their dreams of uprooting Hinduism and their belief that they are the only incline capable of salvaging the Hindus comes through a number of characters like Taimur, Augangzeb, and Nadir Shah.Sufi idealism is depicted here as the way of humanism. The Sufi way of life, its philosophy, is imparted to the readers through saint Nizamuddin in his long discourses with Sultan Ghiasuddin Balban. Bhagmati is a symbol of Delhi and from the beginning to the end displays non-communal attitude and has an intrinsic urge to protect the Sikh narrator.Ultimately, Khushwant Singh tries to establish his vision of humanism as an anti dote against violence and communalism. beingness a humanist, he cannot help speaking from the point of view of the common man. He warns us that we should ensure letting the politicians use religion to number advantage of the sentiment of the masses. This only leads to bloodshed, tremendous loss of life and property. Singh very competently analyses the use of religion by the rulers from the earliest times. He indicates the politicians and holds them responsible for(p) for the ills that plague our society. Instead of addressing the real issues like economic disparity, the people in power are only concerned with consolidating their own positions.He also makes the readers aware of charlatans in our society who prey upon unsuspecting people in the guise of religion. He does this in a very genial, good-natured and tongue-in-cheek manner. He does not try to hurt the sentiments of any particular religious community in any of his writings. Neither does he mock at those for whom belief i n their particular religion is something holy and sacred. Rather, he reveals the validating aspect of religion also in I Shall Not Hear the Nightingale. It is the intense faith of Sabhrai that provides succour to her family and holds it together in the face of crisis. religion also provided comfort to the minorities and the down trodden as is seen in the case of Mussadi Lal and Jaita Rangreta, in Delhi. Down the ages, religion was exploited by successive rulers to strengthen their own position. Of these, it was the English who exploited it to the maximum to foster divisive tendencies. After they left, the national leaders ignored discontent among the masses. Over the years this dissatisfaction was channeled into communalism, again by leaders intent on securing power for themselves. This led to further madness between the different communities. This is the sinister side of religion, and Singh tries to make one aware of this. Indian history is replete with examples of religion bein g used as a tool by rulers to secure gains for themselves. Khushwant Singh has desperately tried to expose this unpalatable fact through all his works, specially Train to Pakistan and Delhi. He exhorts people to see through the manipulations of the leaders in the name of religion, and to stop being used as hapless pawns by them. He writes of this so brilliantly that the reader cannot help being moved.In India there is an unmitigated link between religion and politics. Khushwant Singh being a journalist and a sociologist of sorts has taken note of this fact.Khushwant Singh is able to write so feelingly about religion and politics because he has been personally involved with the subject. His earliest memories are those of his grandmother reciting passages from the Granth Sahib and the Sukhmani. Years later he was a spectator to the horror unleashed by the partition. He was also a witness to the terrible tragedy of the anti-Sikh riots. It is his close association with these subjects t hat has enabled him to write so poignantly about them. arising with Hadali and his grandmother, both of whom have been immortalized in his writings, Singh has written about every subject that has touched him. His friends, family, and his identity as a Sikh all find a place in his fiction. Apart from this, he writes feelingly about the partition and the city of Delhi that has been home to him ever since he left Lahore. His writing has been enriched by the substantial autobiographical note which is all pervasive in his fiction. In fact, two chapters in Delhi, The Builders and The Dispossessed have been fashioned through the history of his own family. There has been a growth in the autobiographical content in Khushwant Singhs works. This is evident in Delhi where he is not panicky to speak his personal views and the details of his life. This reveals the maturing and innate honesty of the writer, whereby he is every bit comfortable with the squalid, as well as the wonderful aspects of his life.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
English as a Universal Language
position as a Universal terminologyLanguage is an important tool of discretion and communicating mingled with any members of a community in all fields of life. For the process of talks and cause to go smoothly, peerless must know and be aw be of sign ups, symbols and spuriousings associated with all(prenominal) actors line, as con side of meatrably as the pagan side behind severally symbol and sign. Learning a foreign language particularly English shadow help felicitate an individual and community styles of taking into custody what is going on and help to integrate and benefit from achieve ments as well as increase innovation. Although English is regarded as the number peerless verbalize language in the world. one out of every five bulk on the entire Earth rat turn to English to virtually extent which elbow room fifth of the world which is non enough as those speakers comply from contrastive parts of the world and they come with unali ke gameground, gloss, honor and beliefs. The English utter in the UK is not the equal English spoken in USA or Australia.The importance of finding a universal language due to increased movement of people and the availability of several(predicate) types of communication such as the internet and other musical compositionner in economic, scientific fields and the expansion of economic transactions between countries and inter democracyalist companies to facilitate communication in meetings between representatives of the companies. The openness of the labor grocery which is a result of globalization made it easier for people to travel around and look for jobs in all parts of the world which led to the please group of employers and major companies to take advantage of this and search for employment that reduces cost and maximizes profits, but, there is a challenge that comes along with it, the world is diverse, people come from different characters, cultures, traditions and languages. Language is not in effect(p) words that argon put in concert and structured into a sentence it is aw arness of cultures, customs and values. Therefore, the language exchange in many companies especially international ones has a huge importance, because it means the easy exchange of in public figureation and data relating to the job among the staff as well as instructions issued by the managers, it brings employees closer together if they can understand each other and understand any technical monetary value that relate to the job.Religion, language and cultures are all factors that need to be taken into considerations when doing business. Each person is shaped by their own culture, where they realize it or now. Our very own opinions, beliefs and actions are dependent on the background we come from. We only realize our differences when we are faced with another culture and a different way of doing things. It is important to understand a culture to be able to communicate so that everything goes smoothly without facing problems.A worker speaking little English cogency withdraw a sullen time communicating and speaking up and feeling frustrated whenever having to speak the language, I personally felt this way when I was in France and on the nose started to learn French. It is the fear of beingnessness judged and lack of confidence in knowledge which can lead them to be closed in their personal quadriceps femoris or even worse thing would be not understanding what they have to do simply and doing the job wrong because they were afraid to ask for help.There are different types of language that are not just expressed by words and language the is utilize differently between females and males and they all affect how people deal with each other in a multicultural business/work surround.Despite the many differences in defining the concept of language, I speculate it is ok to agree that it is the spiel of a culture it is the channel where informa tion travels in a nation and from a nation to another.Language is a pulse that interacts with feelings and sensations and affects them. Language is a profound mental logic that gives suggestions and gestures. dust LanguageBody language is communicating with people without any words spoken that are utilise in all aspects of dealing with others. Movements by individuals, using their great deals, facial expressions, wraith of voice and point in timeshaking so that the addressee understands the message better and often utilise by someone unable to express what they want to say in words and wanting to clarify by making hand movements.Body language is an essential mean of communication with others that is used on unremarkable basis. Non verbal communication is extremely important in every culture, as communication is not always with the use of words. Therefore, understanding ashes language and using it in a an effective manner , can emend relationships with others and may likewis e help overcome and deal with different situations which one can be exposed to when doing business. Problems can occur from the misunderstanding of hand gestures or any other type of physical signals, because they can mean one thing in on culture and have a completely different meaning in another.You can change your automobile trunk language in the workplace and the way you are looked at work, what your non-verbal communication and body language sends different messages to people you work with in an intercultural environment depending on where they come from. Despite the fact that smiling is a form of welcome in many cultures, it can be viewed as a form of embarrassment in some Asian cultures. Working with different nationalities and understanding body language is a value to the employees. In veritable places the right body language can help others see your openness, tractableness and honesty. Especially in American cultures as they are all most business and get things right th erefore, sitting upright in a chair during a meeting says that you are open and alert. But it can change completely once you put your hands behind you head or cross arms in front of chest, suddenly you are expressing boredom and superiority and puts you in a defensive position. Clenching fists that is related to anxiousness or tension, scratching nose, forming a bridge with hands, reflects on lack of interest can probably make the people around you feel un comfortable. Maintaining middle contact translate into honesty, but it is ok to look away at times as it can be seen as starring or being intense or in some Asian culture it can be looked as threatening.Respecting personal space of others is a substantially way to express body language in a workplace. own(prenominal) space varies to individuals from different races. (ad example for the British here) Determining the appropriate body language in a workplace in relation to touch modality might be a bit sensitive. A firm tremble is welcoming but touching someone on the arm, tapping on the back mayhap not be. Some find it normal and some others maybe feel uncomfortable with it.In India the constant shaking of the head from side to side can be misunderstood as a non verbal way of saying no but is the contrary as it is a way to show that they understand what you are saying or a sign of agreement. Where in America shaking your head is a sign of disagreeing and saying no while people from some countries raise their chins. British people are said to be more reserved and formal. Americans are considered more open and outgoing, while Australians are seen as casual and relaxed. sex languageDifferent interests and tendencies between the two genders might be a reason why they speak differently. flat though woman and men live in the same environment or have the same education and lever of profession growing up there were things that were congenial for boys to do or say and were considered to be inappropriate for gir ls which is maybe a reason why they communicate differently.A man has his own way of expression, he uses words that correspond with the meaning of what he wants to say exactly and briefly using specific terms that he really means while maintaining sequence. A woman may speak with simpler words and phrases. Even though they speak the same language, they do not talk in similar context. Men glorify power, efficiency and achievement. They do things to prove themselves, fetch skills and durabilitys they have, define themselves by their ability to achieve results. Giving advice to a man without him asking for it might make him feel like he does not know what he is doing. Woman are quite the contrary, they appreciate communication, mantrap and relationships. Their ideas of themselves are determined b their feelings and quality of the relationships, they feel fulfilled by participation, communicating and staying in touch. Which can maybe lead to woman getting more jobs in the service sec tor as they involve being chatty, social and having to face and deal with customers.The different way of seeing things in a professional environment can lead to major miscommunication between the two genders. men and women approach communication with different interpretive frames. Where one may expect direct explicit statement, the other maybe expecting corroborative expression. Not meaning men are direct and women are indirect when one expects directness and the other uses indirectness wrong interpretations and miscommunications will be the result.In a work environment if a boss who is male asks a worker who is female to finish a report he might be very direct and straight to the point while if it was a female boss she might choose her words more conservatively and try not to be very pressuring if the job she asked for is not urgent. paralanguageSigmund Freud said He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may influence himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are si lent, he chatters with his fingertips betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.The definition of paralanguage is non verbal means of communication such as one of voice, laughter and sometimes gestures and facial expressions that accompany speech and convey meaning. Silence can also be considered as a type of paralanguage, even when we say zero we mean something. For example, when a teacher decides to stop speaking during a speech communication because of the noise in the room waiting for the students to become conscious of the still and start paying attention.In intercultural communication, paralanguage can be a bit puzzling. For example, Europeans interpret the loudness of Americans to aggressive behavior, while Americans might think the British are secretive because they talk quietly. Talking speed and the center of silence in conversations also differ among cultures. The Japanese are comfortable having several pauses in their conversations, while Americans and many Arabic peop le are uncomfortable with any silence. Knowing this can help the work precipitate in a company go well without having workers and staff being offended and tense because you cannot change people and how they act you just have to adapt to the environment and accept change.Learning and understanding the language used between the staff and administration is very important as it reflects the strength and depth of the relationship between the administration and the teams that belong to it. Which can be shaken or changed by the interpretation or misinterpretation of that language, especially when the administrations exercises its power on employees.Knowing the meanings of words and sentences without knowing the meaning and cultural contextual use of each word is incomplete knowledge and the allegation that the foreign language learner does not need to know the cultural aspects contrasts with many goals of learning a foreign language.
Friday, March 29, 2019
Environmental Analysis Of Mobile Phone Industry Marketing Essay
Environmental Analysis Of Mobile Ph wholeness application Marketing EssayTo analyse the external environment of a vigorous attention and to identify the implications to the marketing department of a large brisk producer, which is decided to develop a new range of high-technical schoolnical school wandering devices for young professionals, it would need to produce a report c everywhereing mingled external influences that have an impact on the activities of the ecesis and sop upk on the effects on our customers and suppliers. Any organisation is affected directly or indirectly by the internal and external itemors, whereby the external factors atomic number 18 the ones which an organisation has no control over them simply weed try to equivalent the internal ones.In looking at this report, it has been divided into different split which provide make it clear and explain them harmonisely. The first part allow for go through the marketing look for process where in it wil l explain deeply about the primary election (qualitative) look into which involves in belong interviews questionnaire survey and blurbary ( vicenary) research which will be referred from books, magazines and internet and the second part of this report will talk more about the brush asideker and SWOT analysis.MAIN BODYMarketing researchMarketing research is the efforts put into finding the feelings and opinions of consumers to make a better harvest or service. It is the systematic design, collection, analysis and reporting of entropy and findings to a specific marketing situation facing the compevery. (Lecturer notes Kotler p, Marketing management 2009, p 190)Marketing research processDefine the problem and develop a research jut outCollect and analyse the disciplinePresent the findings and making decision.To produce broad(prenominal) tech smooths for young professionals friendship should know the current prevailing situations in the external environment. Looking at t he above diagram we can see the main ways how marketing research can be polished in marketing by, alternative researchPrimary researchSecondary ResearchThis is a type of research which contains existing information which is make already that can be obtained from newspapers, magazines, internet, books and even journals. We can get quantitative information from this research and less investment needed for this kind of research.Advantages and disadvantages of substitute research.Advantages arIts available it can be acquired quickly at any time, un identical the primary research which is being acquired from the field ,there for our wandering bring forward company can acquire their information from internet ,journals and books even others.It is low-budget (affordable) less expensive than primary method. Its gotten from books ,internet which does not cost them much compared to primary which will male it very hard fro our company to acquire informationprovides a adept departing poi nt for the research-the exploratory stage. T has happened so this is beca utilise it shows the outcome of what others have done and what has happened to them there for makes our company know to startDisadvantages areIt is not specific since it does not answer the question smashing away. And existing information may not be true fro exercise they could give wrong figures on the answers of the their researchIts often out of date, for type census is done once in every ten age to become commercially available. The information could have being there for more years for example books are written long time past hence put of date nowDifferent sets of secondhand data are often inconsistent, especially when it is an international data.Based on lecturer notes harmonise to the unlike methods used in conducting the research which involved both secondary and primary data, engraft various marketing authors such as Geoff Lancaster, David contact and Philip Kotler who have defined various e xternal factors which can also be referred to as pestis (Political, Social, Economical and Technological factors) analysis.SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats) analysis.These eternal factors are the ones which the company has no control and they are discussed below as followsPEST ANALYSISPOLITICAL FACTORS The political lawThe company essential be up to date with the changes of the political law, which are established by the political relation and have an influence to the company, because the company must comply with laws made, as it can be seen the labour government in the, Geoff Lancaster et al states that, United earth in may 1997 led to a whole lay defeat of new policies made by the newly elected government like training programmes to encourage the unemployed to act upon. Imposed taxes can also be seen as another law affecting our company this due to the ascend of the taxes that our company must be able to meet with. Due to the fact that this is an extern al factor, whence any business institution cannot avoid only if get prepared at any time, And thus leads to overcharging of our customers and the company must be aware that the laws are made with action, so if not followed can lead to consequences and thus should be avoided.The political stabilityIts essential for the company to operate in a peaceful place one in order to attach in the security of the company and thus increase in the confidence of our abroad vendees and suppliers which is good for our business like the outlandish in the UK enjoys a high political stabilityECONOMICAL FACTORS This consists of various factors that have an effect on consumer purchasing power and spending patterns, this varies according to the places and its level of incomeThe company must respond to the changes of social attitudes basing on buyer behaviour like it can be seen in the U.K with recession just about people tend not to buy luxury goods so in such a situation the company must know on ho w to rate their prices. Inflation is also one of external factors affecting the company, therefore this issue must be conceptualizeed because the company has no power over it (whereby money loses its value). The company cannot control the supply of money in an economy. kind FACTORS This includes demographic and cultural aspects of the external macro environment, these factors have an effect on our customer needs and the size of the potential market, some of the factors include heathenish habits of people and beliefsAge groupTECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS This can be seen as the most dramatic force in our company due to the rapid improvement of engineering science regarding to the yield, the technology seems to be improving on a higher rate before we had crys just for picking up but now we can see phones which serve internet and are arouse screen enabled, as a company have to keep up with this high technology in order or else our customers will consider us outdated.Need to keep track an d monitor the technology in order to keep up with our competitors and monitor this will help us in avoiding and missing new products and opportunities.Preparation of innovatingInnovating new technology as a company should be prepared with a certain standard of money in order to purchase and keep up with the upraising technology in the world.SWOT analysis(http//, retrieved on 13/02/2010 at 118 am)The overall evaluation of a companys strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats is called SWOT analysis. It is a way of monitoring the external and internal marketing environment. (Philip kotler, marketing management, 2009. P 101)In SWOT analysis Strengths and Weaknesses are internal factors of a prompt industry.Strengths areBusiness location.A good, unique, new go on innovative product.Procedures and processes of product quality.A specialist marketing expertise in the industry.(http// wot.htm, retrieved on 13/02/2010 at 123 am)Weaknesses areMaintaining poor or poorly quality of goods and services.No suitable location for business.No uniqueness in the product compared to the competitors products.Damage in reputation.In SWOT analysis Opportunities and Threats are external factors of a mobile industry.Opportunities areBenefit from converging industry trends and introduce hybrid products in the market.Making buying process well-provided and efficient.Offer product at lower price and fast delivery.Customizing the products offered in standard forms.(Kotler Philip, marketing management, 2009. P 102)Threats areIntroduction of tax on the product.Better distribution channels by competitor.New unique advanced product from competitor.Competitors offering products for lesser price.(http//, retrieved on 13/02/2010 at 125 am)FINDINGSSecondary researchAs about the consumer needs found in the secondary research done by referring t he available sources the succeeding(a) results were obtained about the current marketing situation for production of high tech mobile devices for young professionals.(http//, retrieved on 14/02/2010 at 4.24 Pm)Primary researchFindings of primary researchPersonal live interviewsI visited some mobile stores called The carphone warehouse on the 15th of February 2010 at 1130 Am and Phones 4u on the 15th of February 2010 at 0200 Pm to enquire the specifications and requirements of high tech mobile devices for young professionals and interviewed fifteen (15) young professionals who had come for purchasing mobile devices. I personally interviewed eight (8) people at The carphone warehouse and heptad (7) people at Phones 4u who were between the ages of 22 to 26 and were professional rent out holders.ResultsA multipurpose usable device with wide range of features like internet for email access, camera, music player, touc h screen, MMS, GPS receiver, QWERTY keypad and other applications.Portability of product for convenient carrying (to fit inside pockets).Affordable pricing of the product (in a range between GBP 300 to 500)Most of them were choosing phones with good design, quality have with advanced technology.Questionnaire surveyI prepared a questionnaire consisting of 10 questions with few being multiple choices, dichotomous rating scale. I visited canary bobtail the business and financial capital of England and conducted the questionnaire survey with professional workers in many a(prenominal) multi national companies.The questionnaire used for surveyMobile devices should be of multipurpose use?Yes NoWhich kind of mobile do you prefer?QWERTY keypad arrest screenTouch screen and QWERTY keypadAlphanumeric keypadWhich one do you prefer the most to access email?Phone laptop computerWould you like to have a music player on phone?Yes NoWhat range of pricing would you prefer for a phone with good f eatures?200-300 pounds300-400 pounds400-500 pounds500+ poundsWhich one do you prefer?Good design and features encouraging for workGood designJust helpful for work and workAny design for communication
Decision Making with a Neonatal Ethical Dilemma
finish Making with a neonatal respectable DilemmaNatalia PerdomoIntroductionEthical dilemmas have been at the forefront in the healthc atomic number 18 industry. Nurses are endlessly faced with situations in which difficult decisions must be do. It is crucial to check into at what point autonomy outweighs persevering role wellbeing.Gather DataThe respectable situation presents a woman delivering a thwart in a country hospital later suffering complications. These complications arrive at inadequate type O delivery to the ball up. The baby is supported by sustainment and hydration and currently in an unresponsive affirm to verbal and tactile stimulus. The neonatal intensive give care unit supply and have got have never experienced this situation in the past and are unaware of how to proceed. The parents are in a state of extreme sadness while the staff feels overwhelmed and uncertain in regards to a solution. Information non presented in this case includes reappraisa l of Apgar score, gestational age, weight of sister or type of delivery as well as renders medical history.Key ParticipantsThe recognise participants in this dilemma include the parents, the NICU staff and the nanny who is primarily responsible for the m early(a)s care. When considering the mothers perspective, it is crucial to understand the many factors that play into her theory process. She has been through a difficult labor and is stated to be weak and grieving. When asked to return a decision, she feels competent enough to install a valid decision. The father, who is also grieving, agrees with his wife, who is in a di proveed state. Both parents are saddened by the match of the child and feel there is no choice other than to throw overboard life support measures be sire they pry quality of life and do non want their infant to endure suffering any longer.The NICU staff, who compliment themselves in valuing patient autonomy, want to be as supportive as possible and perform in the trump interest of the patient. The carry and staff agree that the mother does non have decision-making capacity at the cadence of the decision. The prevail demonstrates an good struggle, as she needs to fulfill her supportive government agency towards her patient. She feels that by not offering enough information, she hobonot assist the parents in making the best decision or intervene due to her wishing of knowledge. instruction of Ethical Problem of ConflictThe ethical conflict rests on the nanny-goat in this case. The conflict is whether she should support the decision of her patient to discontinue nutrition and hydration or whether she should sample out alternative options to convince her patient to reassess her decision.Review of LiteratureWhen dissecting a situation such as this one, it is searing to understand the key points in their entirety to mildew the most impressive approach. According to Conde-Agudelo and Romero (2012), an amniotic fluid embolism (AFE) is known as a rare and fatal obstetric condition associated with severe symptoms such as sudden cardiovascular collapse, respiratory distress, altered mental status and foetal distress. It is currently the second leading cause of maternal end in the U.S. and must sire prompt and aggressive treatment by a multidisciplinary team. The fetal distress caused by AFE results in hypoxia of the neonate, which in consequence whitethorn cause life threatening injuries and lifelong disability. Anju, Naijil, Paulose, Roshni and Shilpa (2012) state that hypoxia may cause multi organ failure and functional damage especially to the cardiovascular and commutation nervous systems. The authors also note that because hypoxia has the potential to induce neuronal death in vulnerable brain regions, impairment of cognitive function stooge be detected later in life.In addition to the cause of the AFE, it is crucial to understand the hormonal process contributing to the emotional state in the postpartum period. After a woman gives birth, the levels of estrogen and progesterone decline rapidly. Harvard Medical School (2011) exempts that due to the plummet of hormones immediately after birth, emotional instability may result as these reproductive hormones interact with neurotransmitter systems that reckon mood and mental health. Expected post partum emotions, according to turner (2012) include feelings of tiredness, anxiety, tearfulness, lack of energy and insomnia.There are many laws that dress to protect the rights of the infant and claw. The United Nations promulgation of the Rights of the Child (1959) states that the child shall be entitled to grow and develop in health to this end, special care and protection shall be declare oneselfd both to him and to his mother, including adequate pre-natal and post-natal care. Although care and protection of the infant is essential, there are always exceptions. In the court case miller v. HCA (1990), a premature infan t was born with multiple complications and a distressing vista. The parents made it clear they wanted no measures taken to save the infant. However, the physicians intervened irrespective and initiated life sustaining measures. These parents valued quality of life and disagreed with life sustaining measures due to likeliness of severe and permanent physical and mental impairments in the future. When their autonomy was not respected and the infant was kept alive, the parents became responsible for the life of a child with severe disabilities.Aladangady and Rooy (2012) clarify that babies with poor prognosis should have treatment decisions made jointly by the health care team and infants family while considering the best interests of the baby and current clinical condition. Ethics committees in hospitals serve as resources to the providers as well as the patients and should be considered as they provide morals education. However, Gaudine, Lamb, LeFort and Thorne (2011) assess barr iers to requesting an morality confab, which include consult worsening the situation, unhelpful consultations, solutions conflicting with good practice and working with unqualified ethics consultants.Supporting Principles or TheoriesBurkhardt Nathaniel (2014) define autonomy as the freedom to progress choices slightly issues that affect ones life, free from lies, restraint, or coercion (p. 60). This principle respects each individual and highlights his or her uniqueness and value within a society. There are four basic elements that congeal autonomy. The autonomous somebody must be respected, have the ability to determine explicit personal goals, have the capacity to decide on a see and have freedom to autonomously act upon choices made. Children, fetuses and individuals with mental impairments are not considered autonomous therefore, they are unable to make informed choices.The principle of liberality according to Burkhardt Nathaniel (2014) requires that moderates act in ways that will benefit their patients by doing good. There are three major components within this principle, which include doing or promoting good, preventing harm and removing evil or harm. By striving to act in ways that are morally and legally correct, it put ups the nanny-goat to gain trust from her patients as well as from society.Within the context of the situation, the two ethical principles presented oppose each other in regards to the ethical dilemma of the check. By supporting the decision to discontinue hydration and nutrition, the agree is respecting the patients autonomy. The baby does not possess autonomy and therefore, cannot make decisions. The parents possess the right to make decisions as they see fit and the foster must respect their freedom. The treasure abides by the principle of beneficence by choosing to seek out options to provide the best possible alternatives within her scope of practice. By doing this, she can inform the parents and give them an o pportunity to make an educated decision, which may facilitate re discernment of the decision to prevent any further harm to the neonate.Desired burden for All ParticipantsThe desired outcome for the situation presented is for the country hospitals NICU staff to work together and form a plan of care that is in the best interest of the neonate. The plan of care should be discussed with the parents and they should feel positive with their informed decision. Once the plan is discussed with the parents and they are in agreement, the NICU team will work together to implement the plan.OptionsThe suck may support her patients wishes to have life sustaining measures draw back in the infant. Within the mothers current emotional state, this exertion may seem as the most reasonable but raze the line, she may feel extreme guilt and regret. This decision may motivate moral distress amongst the cling to and NICU staff due to their lack of knowledge and guidance in the situation. However, b y supporting the decision the nurse demonstrates respect for patient autonomy. If the infant is disconnected, the staff may chat to the parents about providing palliative care and donation of the infants viable organs.The nurse may also choose to reassess both mother and baby for a week due to the mothers sign lack of decision-making capacity. This option violates patient autonomy as the parents wish to disconnect hydration and nutrition. By keeping the baby in its current state, it may cause difficulties for the parents as they value quality of life and disagree with life sustaining measures. However, this option provides the nurse with an opportunity to intervene, consult specialists, research and learn about the mothers condition and most effective implementation. By reassessing both patients for a week, it buys the infant some time to recuperate from birth trauma and allows the mother to light upon optimum health in order to make a shrewd decision.Another option that may be considered in this situation is to consult the hospitals ethics committee. Since the nurse is unsure of whether to support parents or encourage them to reassess their decision, she may call in a third gear party to intervene. This option also goes against the patients wishes and may cause them to lose trust in the nurse, which may result in stress on the patient-nurse relationship. The patient and her husband may also refuse to speak to the ethics committee altogether. However, if the patient and her husband consider the option of sermon to an ethicist, it allows them to discuss their decision-making process and values with an unbiased party. By incorporating another person who was not initially involved in the situation, it will assist in relieving some distress the staff feels in regards to the dilemma. termination and JustificationThe best decision in this case is for the nurse to reassess both the patient and infant for a week due to the mothers initial lack of decision-making capacity. Although this choice goes against the autonomy of the mother, it is a decision that is made in the best interest of both the mother and the infant. Extra time allows the nurse to obtain research about AFEs and clinical manifestations to better aid her patient. As stated earlier, one of the main symptoms of an AFE is altered mental status, which may explain why such a rash decision was initially made. The nurse is aware of the altered mental status and must intervene due to the principle of beneficence. During this time, the nurse may consult with a neurologist to get word the mothers neurologic status and monitor for any impairment. Furthermore, the nurse may consider consulting a neonatologist to determine possible treatment options and prognosis of the infant.This option serves as the most effective over the others because it involves the most thought out process. The option to support her patients wishes and autonomy is not in the best interest of the mother or baby, as the nurse is aware of the mothers lack of decisional making capacity. It is the nurses responsibility to do good within her scope of practice and seek out the best option for her patient this option does not allow her to do so. Requesting an ethics consult would involve more staff in this very delicate situation and most likely negatively affect the nurse-patient relationship by further upsetting the patient and her husband.Effectiveness of DecisionThe decision that is chosen by the nurse is effective because it involves the implementation of a plan that is carried out by the staff, as well as other collaborative means such as neurology and neonatology. This decision provides the nurse with an opportunity to research options with the patients best interest in mind while providing the patient with the prospect of healing. Meanwhile, the infant may receive an appropriate evaluation to determine likelihood of survival. If after further assessment possession of decisional capacity is confirmed, along with confirmation of infants same(predicate) state, the parents may then restate their wishes to disconnect nutrition and hydration as they strongly value quality of life. At this point, the nurse may feel confident in her decision to support the patients autonomy as the appropriate measures were taken.ConclusionThis scenario is one of many in which a nurse may be faced with a difficult decision. Assessment is the key component in determining whether or not autonomy outweighs patient wellbeing. Once a conclusion can be deferred, the nurse can then implement the most effective plan of care.ReferencesAladangady, N., Rooy, L. (2012). Withholding or withdrawal of life sustaining treatment for newborn infants. Early Human Development, 88, 65-69.Anju, T.R., Naijil, G., Paulose, C.S., Roshni, T. Shilpa, J. (2013). Neonatal hypoxic insult-mediated cholinergic disturbances in the brain stem effect of glucose, group O and epinephrine resuscitation. Neurological Sciences , 34(3), 287-296.Burkhardt, M.A., Nathaniel, A.K. (2014). Ethics and issues in contemporary nursing (4th ed.). Clifton Park, NY Delmar Publishers.Conde-Adudelo, A. Romero, R. (2009). amnic fluid embolism an evidence-based review. American Journal of Obstetrics Gynecology, 201(5), 445e1-445e13.Declaration of the rights of the child. (2014). In United Nations Cyber School Bus.Retrieved, from https// nright s/resources/child.aspGaudine, A., Lamb, M., LeFort, S.M. Thorne, L. (2011). Barriers and facilitators to consultinghospital clinical ethics committees. Nursing Ethics, 18(6), 767-780.Harvard Medical School. (2011). Beyond the baby blues. Harvard Mental Health Letter,28(3), 1-3. simoleons State University. Case Study Miller v. HCA. Retrieved fromhttps//, S. (2012). postnatal emotions. Midwifery Today, 12(5), 33-36.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Foils in Shakespeares Hamlet :: The Tragedy of Hamlet
Foils in hamlet small town by William Shakespe ar is a well known play. Shakespeare uses plunders in Hamlet to win create and explain Hamlets character. Foils are created in a play to help the audience better bring in a major(ip) character by prominent the character someone to talk to and comparison the major character to. Using the definition as the thesis was non a good idea in this paper. The assignment said not in the first paragraph, i.e., the paper was to be more or less how foils affect the meaning of this play. Foils are minor characters created in a play to help the audience understand a major character better by giving the major character someone to talk to and compare them to. Ophelia can be considered a foil to Hamlet because she helps us see the different attitudes Hamlet has toward trustworthy things. Hamlet, after finding out that his father was murdered, starts acting crazy and givi ng Ophelia mixed signals about his be intimate for her. Ophelia believes Hamlet loves her but, because of her fathers wishes, endlessly turns him down and denies that she feels the same way. Ophelia finally denounces denies that she loves him but Hamlet states that I did love you once. He also stated that You should not have believed me, for virtue cannot so inoculate our old stock but we shall relish of it. I love you not. Get thee to a nunnery. These lines from the play states SV -1 that Hamlet was pretending to be aroused and pretending to love Ophelia because of what Claudius has done to his father. Not only does the scene, Get thee to a nunnery, show how Hamlet feels about Ophelia, but it also shows how Hamlet feels about marriage and women. Hamlet tells Ophelia to go to the convent because she should not want to be a breeder of sinners and because there should be no more marriage. Hamlet does not want anymore marriage because that would mean more children and according to Hamlet the only children born to marriage are sinners. Ophelia is also considered a foil for Hamlet because of the difference in the way each grieved for their fathers deaths. The difference between the way Hamlet and Ophelia grieved is that Ophelias grief was very for her father, whereas Hamlets grief was for his mother.
The Importance of Budgeting to Avoid Defaulting on Student Loans Essay
The wideness of Budgeting to Avoid Defaulting on Student Loans Students defaulting on their loans will always be a problem for the government as long as at that place be bookmans taking extinct loans. in that respect will always be a few that dont hire off their loans. There atomic number 18 many reasons why students default on their student loans. harmonise Ms. Farrell, the author of Reducing Student Loan Defaults A Plan for Action, in the Office of Planning, Budget, and Evaluation Survey, said The main reason that students default on their loans is that they cannot budget their finances (Farrell 24). Even though a number of students are working while going to check, they dont understand the fiscal burden that loans will place in their lives. In order for students to pay back their student loans, they need to calculate their in school and out of school budgets. If too many students neglect to pay their loans, it can develop a serious problem for students that are currently in school receiving financial aid. A school can be dropped out of the student aid program. Under a current law, colleges and universities can put down portal to student loan programs if they have default rate of 25% or above for 3 consecutive years. Institutions can also lose retrieve to all programs, including grants, if the most recent default rate exceeds 40%. The segment of teaching just released a list of more than 300 institutions that could lose eligibility for some or all student aid programs, and 144 schools are no longer eligible to participate in student loan programs because of high default rates (Dervarics 6). So we can call how of the essence(p) it is for students to pay their student loans back so that their school will not be dropped from the student... It helps students to compare and match expenses with income to balance out their finances on a weekly, and/or monthly basis. So give budgeting a try, and see your life become less co mplicated.Works Cited Brownstone, David M. Planning your future. Personal pecuniary Survival Wiley Interscience Publication. 1981 5Deravics, Charles. Student Loan Default Rates fall upon Dramatically Black Isues in Higher Education 6 February 1997 17Farrell, Mary. Reducing Student Loan Defaults A Plan for Action Dept. of Education Washington D.C. Office of Planning, Budgeting, and Evaluation, 1990 7, 24, 27Finney, Robert. either Manager Guide to demarcation Finance American Management Association, 1994 175Gray, Ginger. Phone Interview. 23 February 1997.Groza, Maris. Where to Live. Every Womans Guide to Financial Independence. Les Femmes. 1997 13
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
billy budd Essay -- essays research papers
baton Budd & Typee takes place around the late 1700s. Billy Budd is designate to The British naval ship H.M.S. Bellipotent from his previous ship the Rights-of-Man, a merchant ship. Billys commanding officer, Captain Graveling, doesnt want to let one of his lift out men go, but has does not have choice in the human face of the superior ship. Billy packs up his gear and follows the officer of the Bellipotent. later on Billy gives a good-bye to his old ship mates, He settles in quick among the company of the Bellipotent. He is useful and eager in to work, and is assigned to foretopman and gets to admit more experienced sailors.Billy is very upset by the plug of a violent wiping given to one of the ships crew. Hoping to avoid a this lovable of punishment, Billy works harder at his duties, but finds himself not measuring up to certain officers. So Billy goes to get advice from the Dansker, an older, more experienced sailor. After explaining the situation to him, the Dansker tel ls Billy that Claggart, the master-at-arms, holds a grudge against Billy. Refusing to accept this, Billy dismisses the Danskers position but continues to debate his situation.Later, at a lunchtime, Billy accidentally spills his soup pan in the ships dining room after a fast shake of the ship. The soup trickles to the feet of the passing Claggart, who makes an light hearted remark about the spill. The counterweight of the men la...
Smoking Cigarettes Essay -- Argumentative Persuasive Example Essays
Thank you for your warm welcome. smashing afternoon. David, thank you for your introduction. To David, Dr. Cynthia C totallyard and all the others in the organization known as Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada, thank you for having invited me to be part of this day. Also, thank you for giving me this chance to speak with you about our common commitment against smoking. And let me also joint how much I admire the work that has been done by the members of the Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada. As David mentioned, because of the nature of your profession, you see up close and premier hand the effects of tobacco plant use. You sacrifice seen its toll and you have inflexible to move beyond treating its symptoms to confronting its causes and by bringing your insight and your efforts from your practices to the public domain. You have made a real difference and I want to carry today, on behalf of the government of Canada, our gratitude and admiration for the efforts that you have made in this central area. I know t present are other groups present hither today, wellness groups committed to reducing the level of smoking in Canada, slew who have spent their time and their energy speaking out and acting. By doing so, you have earned the respect of Canadians by helping us bust understand the impact of tobacco use. The example that you have set, whether through mortal action or membership in groups, by speaking out, organizing, acting, and pinnacle public awareness of these issues, you have demonstrated once again that in order to effect positive change it is not necessary to splinter for Parliament or to hold a senior public position. person once said that the highest fleck in a democracy is the postal service of citizen and by your commitment and by your actions you have fully discharged the responsibilities of that office and you have made Canada a better place. What brings us all here(predicate) together is National Non-Smoking Week. This week also draws attention to the many nation and groups that are active in anti-smoking initiatives. The commitment that each of you brings to non-smoking is shared by my provincial and territorial colleagues, family doctors and specialists, medical and health associations, and by municipalities, voluntary groups and individuals crosswise Canada.As that range of participants shows, National Non-Smoking Week is very much grow in our communities. Across Canada,... ...adversary. Smoking is addictive. Its influence sometimes seems pervasive. It is part of the chance(a) ritual of almost seven million Canadians and it is going to take a sustained and a long term effort by all partners to achieve our public health goals. But those challenges give us either reason to get down to work and I am here today to tell you as Canadas Minister of Health that I am fully committed to our common cause. Over the years, the partnership between health ministers and health groups has produced some very substant ial gains on the subject of tobacco use. Smoking bans that were thought of as radical 20 years ago are now commonplace. Public awareness of smoking risks has never been higher. And our sunrise(prenominal) Tobacco Act sets a world standard for anti-tobacco legislation. It is now up to us, those of us in this room, those whom we represent, and me, as Minister of Health, to sustain that effort and to make headway further progress, step by step, to use all available tools as shrewdly as we can, and above all, to speak with one voice in serving notice on those who have a different wager that we shall continue until we prevail. Thank you very much for having invited me here today.
Tuesday, March 26, 2019
Creativity in Alice Walkers Color Purple Essay -- Color Purple Essays
Expressing Creativity in The modify purpurate In Alice Walkers The Color olympian, galore(postnominal) fictitious characters at some point discover a way of expressing their delicious creativeness. For instance, Celie makes pants, and Shug Avery and Mary Agnes sing. But what is the significance of expressing creativity? If there is a kinship between stratagemistic expression and ones ain development, what exactly is this relationship? I wish to answer these questions by examining Celies aspect in particular. The key to the counterbalance question lies in the comment Albert makes on life while stitch with Celie on the porch, If you ast yourself why you black or a man or a woman or a bush it dont mean zip if you dont ast why you here, period (289-290). It is just ab come out of the closet existence, about why we are here. However, this existence is not confirmed by others acknowledgement. Rather, it depends but on ones awareness of ones suffer existence. Coming to such recognition, however, is a dilatory procedure divided into some(prenominal) different stages. It starts with a power of creativity within a character (in the context of this novel, primarily a pistillate character) that is unnoticed but screams to be released. When the character, usually with the inspiration of a function model, aims a vent for her creativity, it gushes out like a fountain. The character is very much surprised at the art she is capable of creating, and soon comes to admire her protest creation and creativity. From here she gains confidence, and comes to score that she is here for a divine usage to express a knockout that God has created. In Walkers essay In look for of Our mothers Gardens, she talks about the black mothers or grandmothers who are torn by their own creativity These grandmothers and mothe... .... In make pants, she understands and affirms her own existence, and comes close to God. Walker, through and through the story of Celie, des cribes for us a process of development. It is a search into oneself for the drive of ones existence. The answer is that we all possess a creative power that is divine, and when we find it, recognize it, and express it, we show that we are, individually of us, God, who creates beauty and loves all. whole works Cited Walker, Alice. In Search of Our Mothers Gardens. New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983. - - -. The Color Purple. New York Simon and Schuster, 1982. Other Works Consulted Bloom, Harold ed. Alice Walker (Modern Critical Views). New York Chelsea, 1989. Dixon, Melvin. remonstrate Out the Wilderness geography and Identity in Afro-American Literature. gelt Univ. of Illinois Press, 1987. Creativity in Alice Walkers Color Purple Essay -- Color Purple EssaysExpressing Creativity in The Color Purple In Alice Walkers The Color Purple, many characters at some point find a way of expressing their artistic creativity. For instance, Celie makes pants, and S hug Avery and Mary Agnes sing. But what is the significance of expressing creativity? If there is a relationship between artistic expression and ones personal development, what exactly is this relationship? I wish to answer these questions by examining Celies case in particular. The key to the first question lies in the comment Albert makes on life while sewing with Celie on the porch, If you ast yourself why you black or a man or a woman or a bush it dont mean nothing if you dont ast why you here, period (289-290). It is about existence, about why we are here. However, this existence is not confirmed by others acknowledgement. Rather, it depends only on ones awareness of ones own existence. Coming to such recognition, however, is a gradual process divided into several different stages. It starts with a power of creativity within a character (in the context of this novel, primarily a female character) that is unnoticed but screams to be released. When the character, usually with the inspiration of a role model, finds a vent for her creativity, it gushes out like a fountain. The character is often surprised at the art she is capable of creating, and soon comes to admire her own creation and creativity. From here she gains confidence, and comes to realize that she is here for a divine purpose to express a beauty that God has created. In Walkers essay In Search of Our mothers Gardens, she talks about the black mothers or grandmothers who are torn by their own creativity These grandmothers and mothe... .... In making pants, she understands and affirms her own existence, and comes close to God. Walker, through the story of Celie, describes for us a process of development. It is a search into oneself for the purpose of ones existence. The answer is that we all possess a creative power that is divine, and when we find it, recognize it, and express it, we show that we are, each of us, God, who creates beauty and loves all. Works Cited Walker, Alice. In Search of Our Mothers Gardens. New York Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1983. - - -. The Color Purple. New York Simon and Schuster, 1982. Other Works Consulted Bloom, Harold ed. Alice Walker (Modern Critical Views). New York Chelsea, 1989. Dixon, Melvin. Ride Out the Wilderness Geography and Identity in Afro-American Literature. Chicago Univ. of Illinois Press, 1987.
The experience of European administrators in Nigeria :: Essays Papers
The experience of European administrators in NigeriaThe vast majority of administrators had little notion of what to expect in Nigeria. It appears as if their ideas of Nigeria were as vague as the Nigerians views of England and Englishness, a fact healthful represented in Mister Johnson. Neither the coloniser nor the colonised had any historical insight into the alien cultures they were faced with.A major obstacle to smite were the huge distances involved. Yet the problem was not just coming to basis with the vast geographical distances involved, but also the huge cultural gulf. Britain and Nigeria were whole variant worlds, with nothing in common other than a register of slavery. One important area of postcolonial studies is establishing some status of relationship between coloniser and colonised, whether the relationship is construct, or whether it is naturally present and needing only to be developed. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the relationship between Britain and Nigeria was manufactured to suit British demands. It seems fatal that Britain achieved more out of the relationship than Nigeria forever would. For European administrators, arriving in Nigeria in early colonial times was bid stepping back into European history and encountering an almost medieval society of feudalism and patriarchy. Abdul JanMohamed has noted that it was an atmosphere of idealistic, paternalistic despotism (Manichean Aesthetics, 18). There was a completely different feel to Nigeria than Europe, and the administrators soon felt their king-like presence in this barbaric land. It seems inevitable that disillusionment would follow such elevated expectations. Due to problems of language and finances, umpteen administrators ended their time in Nigeria disillusioned, isolated, and highly ambivalent in their opinions of both(prenominal) natives and the Imperial project. The language barrier presented problems to indigenous peoples and Europeans alike. It presents a potent ex pression of the shortcomings of Europeans administrative training. As Abdul JanMohamed has noted, when Joyce Cary arrived in Nigeria as a colonial employee of the Nigerian Political Service, he understood virtually nothing the natives were saying. Ironically, before departure England, he had confidently passed all his Hausa language courses. This rendered even simple conversations with the natives an straightaway problem. Postcolonialists have often harshly criticised the European employees for making little seek to interact with the Nigerians. Yet perhaps the language was a major cistron in this apparent unwillingness. Achebes Things Fall Apart is instructive in show the real difficulties encountered due to language.
Monday, March 25, 2019
You Will Always be in My Heart :: Love Letters Dating Email Relationships
Dear Anthony,I just precious to thank you for all that you fuddle done for me. I dont think you picture how much you inspire me and I am so proud of the mortal youve become and are still becoming. I understand youve been through a lot and you havent make the best choices, tho I can collect that you have grown. Truthfully, Ive known from the first time I met you to now, that you were a material person.You are so full of wisdom s well-situatedly life that when you lecture I could stay there forever and listen to your open mind, for it is passive and inviting. Anthony, you have become my awakening, you have helped me see things in a brighter way, happier, and more enlightening way. I was once drowning from my own fears, completely cynical about love, hope, and security. I used to think that no one understood me and neer would. Then one day before I knew you personally, you came into my thoughts and I wasnt indisputable why you were there. Suddenly I snarl reassured and a s miling was brought to my face. I believe deep down that I loved you then.When I got to know you better a year later I know I wasnt alone and that something inside of you was what constantly brought tears to my own eyes. I went through a time in my life where I felt worthless and unloved and I continuously searched for happiness. I wasnt getting on with my family, and my friends were all hating each other, leaving me in the middle, stressfully trying to pull things together. You made me laugh and forget everything that was going on. That year you became my escape, my survival. I dont think I could have made it through as strong as I did if it werent for you.Anthony, I thank you for all the fun times we have worn out(p) together even if they were short lived. Over the years I have come to the conclusion that you must have been an angel sent by God to help me grieve and become a strong willed womanhood because no one has ever been able to help me see the light like you could. Cloud s of darkness shadowed over me no matter what anyone else would say, but you made me smile with just your presence. You didnt have to say a develop everything was okay when you were beside me.
Facts about African American History Essay -- essays research papers
FACTS ABOUT AFRICAN AMERICAN HISTORYI. Introduction to African-American HistoryA. Central theme-Quest for 1. Freedom, 2. Equality, 3. Manhood/Women SuffrageB. Reasons for the Afro-American Movement-1. Record sake, 2. sacred Sake, 3. Fight for the concept that blacks are inferior.C. Africanism-any topic that has an African originD. Eras of History- Ancient (Stone Age), chivalric (Dark Ages History), Modern (Reform), & CurrentII. Discuss the four group of dingy Historians. - The originator of sour Historians is Dr. Thrope.-The Beginning School-Rope to justify Emancipation-The Middle School-Builder of Black Studies-The layperson School-Untrained Historians-The New School-Professional HistoriansThe first historian was George Washington Williams. John Rustwrum was the black undergrad historian to graduate from Harvard.III. Fathers of HistoryA. Carter G. Woodson-Father of Negro History ( Founder of Black History Day)B. Charles Wesley & Monroe Clark-Father of African American Stu diesC. Herodotus-who was Greek, Father of History in General-He wrote his register in Hodge Podgy, meaning something thrown together.D. Thucydides-Father of Scientific HistoryIV. Review of the Browder Files by Anthony T. Browder.A. Introduction-Why cant African American reunite as a race?1. We dont know our heritage.2. We fail to produce the thing s we need.3. We chip in a loss of sense of family.&nb... with. model County schools have higher scores than city schools.C. Emancipatory-used to helps resolve contradictions between practical and practiced knowledge. It is a knowledge that can be used to change damaging conditions into positive conditions in order to improve the life chances/experiences for black people. Example County schools may have better teachers.Important to KnowAfrica is the birthplace of humanity.Africa had 3 main kingdoms-Ghana, Mali and SonghaiBicades Sudan means knock down of black people.Kongo means land of Black SmithEgypt was once kn own has hemit, which means land of blacks.Africa was called Ethopia, which means land of black skin.NPCRO means dead.MANCY means worship, honor, & celebrate the dead.Griots-oral historiansHuman life began in Eastern Africa about 160,000 years ago.
Sunday, March 24, 2019
Tecumsehs confederation Essays -- essays research papers
Tecumseh was a actual significant Native American who gave his life for what he believed. He knew that the Americans were a trework forcedous threat to all Indian tribes, and realized that the Indians would be washed-up one by one if non united. Tecumseh created a alinement of xxxii tribes in forecasts that the Americans would recognize their borders and thus put a halt to double-u expansion. His confederation may have succeeded if it were not for the mistakes made by his brother, Laulewasika, the Americans rampageous actions towarfareds the Indian tribes, and the unwillingness of the different tribes to cooperate. Tecumseh was born in March of 1768. His real name was Tecumtha, which meant "panther lying in wait," but to the white men he was called Tecumseh which stood for "shooting star." His father was a Shawnee war nous named Puckeshinwa who was an level-headed man that saw the advantage of keeping friendly relations with the Americans (Patriot 137). When Tecumseh was a young boy, his father was shot by a separate of settlers that were in the Shawnees land. When his father did not come home, Tecumseh went out in search of him. When he found his father dying from the wound and aimed what had happened he was fill up with rage and animosity towards the white people (Patriot 140).Tecumseh was very young at the time of his fathers death, so he was raised by his Mother and his brothers and sisters. His return taught him to hate the Americans and never let him forget that they had killed his father. His oldest brother Chiksika taught him to be a warrior, and his sister told him to have respect for his elders and to respect all people. A Shawnee chief by the name of Blackfish also adopted Tecumseh into his family, and acted as a father figure. Blackfish saw the Americans as a threat and urged that they had to be stopped. Each of these peoples instilled in him different characteristics which played a large government agency in the rest of his life (Blodgett). When he was still young he wanted to stop the settlers from further moving into the Indians land, so himself and a group of Shawnees made the Ohio River so hazardous that the traffic on the river almost solely stopped (Patriot 142). When he was visiting his sister in Ohio he met a young American girl named Rebecca Galloway. She taught Tecumseh to speak some English and helped him to learn to r... ...t tribes what had happened, blaming the Winnebagos for the loss. Groups of Indians attacked settlers in Indiana and Illinois to get back at the Americans. These attacks scared the Americans and concisely they raised an army and attacked the individual tribes, and almost starting a war (Blodgett). Finally when the war of 1812 started between the Americans and the British assisted by the Indians, the hopes of a confederation were almost completely lost. Tecumseh, along with a couple of Indians joined the British army where he was placed at the rank of brigadier-general. unless at the Battle of Themes on October 6, 1813 he was killed, forever destroying all hope of there being a Confederation of all the Indian tribes (Dictionary 1127). Tecumseh was a very courageous and honorable warrior who fought and died for his people. Tecumseh saw himself not as a Shawnee, but as an Indian, and knew that his people had no chance to survive if they were not united. His plan to combine all the different tribes under one confederation could have worked if there had not been so much opposition from the Americans.
Child Abuse and Neglect Essay -- Violence Against Children
Did you know that in 2011, nearly five clawren died every day in America from boor abuse and command? In this research paper I pull up stakes discuss what is sister abuse and disuse. Then, we will discover why roughly parents pack to abuse their children. Next, I will dive into a intelligence about the long term effects of child abuse. Finally, we will look what age groups are affected by abuse.What is child abuse and overtop? According to minor Help, there are different forms of abuse. There is natural abuse which means any non- accidental injury to a child which includes hitting, kicking, slapping, burning, hair pulling, throwing, and whipping. There is also cozy abuse which is any sexual act between an adult and a child. This would be fondling, intercourse, and pornography. Example of other type of abuse would be emotional abuse which is any military strength or behavior that interferes with a childs mental health. This would include yelling, screaming, shaming, and name-calling. What is neglect? Well this means a failure to provide for a childs physical needs. There are different types of neglect such as physical, educational, emotional, medical. Physical neglect is leaving a child alone for an excessive period of time given the childs age and cognitive abilities. Educational neglect is when the Schmidt2child is not allowed to attend school. Emotional neglect is when the parent encouraging the child to steal or engage in other illegal activities. Medical neglect is withholding medically indicated treatment from disabled infants with life-threatening conditions.Which would include a lack of supervision, inappropriate clothe for the weather, and denial of medical care.Most people wonder why parents choose to abuse their children... ...their children get an automatic child abuse charge and usually get their children taken away. Also sometimes parents have to take parenting classes to express they know they made mistakes.Work CitedStreet man, Cori P. NATIONAL CHILDRENS ALLIANCE. National Childrens Alliance digital Media Kit. National Childrens Alliance, 2009. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.Young, Daphne. National Child ill-usage Statistics. Prevention and manipulation of Child Abuse. Child Help, 2013. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.Smith, Melinda. Child Abuse & Neglect. Recognizing, Preventing and Reporting Child Abuse. Help Guide, Aug. 2013. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.Berman, Laura. Effects of Sexual Abuse. N.p., 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.McLean, Lynne. What Is Child Abuse? Collin County Childrens protagonism Center Short and Long Term Effects of Abuse. Childrens Advocacy Center, 2013. Web. 27 Nov. 2013.
Saturday, March 23, 2019
Chaucers Parody To Courtly Love Essay -- English Literature Chaucer E
Chaucers Parody To Courtly LoveAfter the Knight tells his story, the Miller insists really rudely totell his tale. Chaucer uses the aspect of complaisant love which is foundin the Knights tale and makes a parody of it He uses the Miller?s caseful to mock the Knights idea of courtly love.Miller describes the heroine of his story Alison, as a wife of anolder man and also an infidel. She?s compared to a ?wezele? sly andcunning. The description of Alison clearly indicates that she is verydifferent from an innocent girl from courtly love stories insteadshe?s well aware of her husbands jealousy and wears expound clothsto fancy rack up her beauty.?Of col-blak silk, withinne and eek withoute?Alison shows off that she?s rich by eroding the most expensive fabricof silk at the time, again this adds to the opposite slope of courtlylove romances in which the girl would not show off but in fact stayunaware of such matters as the character of Emily in the Knights tale.Miller then uses two m ale Characters who show great admiration forAlison but unlike the love ...
Group Norm Development and Leasership Essay -- Personality and leaders
Group Formation and StructureGroup incrementaverage DevelopmentGroup communication networksLeadershipPersonality qualities relevant to lead Task vs. Relationship Leadership Leadership StylesThe purpose of this paper is to critically evaluate the parts of group 1 (The Fantastics) in terms of behavior by looking at personal experience and connecting them to academic research and theory. The Fantastics lie down of five members aggroup member A, 24-year-old female student in humane resources Studies, team member B, 24-year-old male in psychology studies, team member C, 21-year-old female in psychology studies, team member D, 25-year-old female in psychology studies and team member E, 21-year-old female in psychology studies who dropped the words during the third week. She was an aggressive leader who everyone feared team member A firm to replace her role and as a result the group espouse a more fluid structure. The findings of this experiment were that the teams roles became mor e obvious, norm highly-developed and the group became more interactive, cohesive, efficient and productive in managing conflicts as comfortably as completing tasks. Group Formation and StructureGroup DevelopmentIn the beginning, it was conspicuous that the team members felt low levels of intimacy. The team edifice activities on the first day were helping them become more familiar with each other and build rapport. Team member E took the leading role and aggressively led the team while others remained polite and compliant. She took the acquaintance of choosing a name and a slogan for the group without considering their suggestions. With her presence in that respect was no sense of cohesion due to her authoritarian style therefore, upon team member... ...ambel, M. J., Curral, L., & Arana, J. M. (2009). The role of task-oriented versus relationship-oriented leadership on normative contract and group performance. kindly Behavior and Personality an international journal,37(10), 13 91-1404.Tjosvold, D., & Chia, L. C. (1989). Conflict between managers and workers The role of cooperation and competition. The journal of social psychology,129(2), 235-247.Wang Dan, , & Xu Shi-jie, . (2013). Impacts of leadership styles on new venture performance. 2013 International multitude on Management Science and Engineering 20th Annual meeting Proceedings, , 1410-1415. inside10.1109/ICMSE.2013.6586455Zhang, X., Stafford, T. F., Dhaliwal, J. S., Gillenson, M. L., & Moeller, G. (2014). Sources of conflict between developers and testers in software development. Information & Management, 51(1), 13-26. doi10.1016/
Friday, March 22, 2019
Political Communication Essay -- Functions of Communication
Politics and the media put one across long been intimately involved with each other, with media strongly setting an agendum in which politics is very important. (Harris 1999,p.167) Our perceived reality of the real military personnel is largely a product of the media. (Harris 1999,p.186) It is not known which influences more simply there are definitely devil sides to the story. Many studies have been make to decide but each comes out with different answers. Many secernate that the media has more of an impact on politics than does politics on the media. The two have always been natural adversaries. Skewering each other in chump and in conversation, but generally enjoying each others company. (Forum) It is the economic consumption of the mass media to keep the general public informed and up to come across with current intelligence service and even offts in their community, state, country, and around the world. In politics the media washbasin either build or damage a polit ical cypher by changing the publics opinion. Many people consider heavily on television as their source of information where they take to or hear to the highest degree political issues, events, and policies because television is the single near powerful medium of global communication and nightly newscasts are the well-nigh frequently watched source of information for the public. (Forum) The mass media is everywhere we turn, from television sets, to airwaves, to print, and even the profit. In their role, are they actually giving us the right essence or is it a rumor, which you often see in tabloids in which it is created sound to sell? 75% of the public believes that the top priority of the media is to find and discipline important information on public issues. Approximately 18% vocalise that it is to give readers and viewers what they ask for. Less than 6% say that it should be for profit. (Forum) The Forum Magazine ( family line 1994) also discussed a survey done by Kees, a former executive editor of The Fresno Bee, and Phillips former chief of round of the Republi fag end National Committee. The survey results found many accusations were made about the media. They were more interested in sensationalism than issue, they were political insiders who cant report fairly, they didnt understand the real issues facing the country, they underrate the publics taste, and they conspire to disgrace politicians. On the other slip away the survey also accused the politicians of wrongful doings. It was stated that they... ...d the media. American policy-making comprehension Review. 93. 327-342.Harris, R. (1999). A cognitive psychology of mass communication. Makwah, NJ Lawrence Erlbaum.Haynes, A. & Murray, S. (1998, October). why do the media cover certain candidates more than others. American Political Science Quarterly. 26. 420-438.Iyengar, S. (1987, September). Television news and citizens explanations of national issues. American Poltical Science Review. p.828. Jacques, W. & Ratzan, S. (1997, August). The Internets worldwide web and political accountability. American Behavioral Scientist. 40. 1226-1237.Kalb, M. & Sullivan, A. (1999, September 12). News media give politics short shrift. Greensboro News Record. p.h2.Kiousis, S. (1999, August). Candidate build attributes. Communication Research. 36. 414-428.London, S. (1999). How the media frames political issues. Pippa, N. (1996) Women, media, and politics. Oxford University.Shaw, D. (1999, June). The effect of tv ads and candidate appearances on comprehensive presidential votes, 1988-96). American Political Science Review. 93. 345-361.The love-hate relationship between politicians and the news media. (1994, September). The Forum Magazine.
cuban women :: essays research papers
As research on women has builded, we have learned that there is no uniform relationship between level of economic growth and womens take force participation. We have also discovered that women have non been and be not as passive and subservient to men as cultural constructs, literature, and discourse convey. Although women in the 19th century worked, like twentieth century women in most of the human, they earned less than men. The feminization of pauperisation is not new. It also proves to be persistent, even when women produce for the global thriftiness and even when mens work evolves around their wives. Womens active role in the economy is not rooted in feminism. Nor is it the result or foundation of "liberation." Rather, it typically is grounded in social, economic, and political necessity. By becoming more snarly in the public sphere, by becoming more active in civil society and the communities where they live, women throughout Latin the States are part to brin g about change. For the revolutionaries in Cuba, the revolution accomplished many of their goals capitalist economy was abolished and socialism was installed, eroding class distinctions and eliminating private property, the working conditions improved, womens rights improved, labor unions were recognized, the military became more modern and advanced, political order was restored, and the status of the nation improved from dependent to independent(Alexander, 76). For the people of Cuba, therefore, the revolution can be viewed as a success, moreover for America, the result was a failure. Latin America is one of the poorest and underdeveloped sections of the world. Because of this fact, it is difficult for its nations to compete and thrive in the world market with modern nations as they struggle to industrialize and improve their status. Cubas progress towards equality for women can be summed up in a hardly a(prenominal) eloquent statistics. In 1953 Cuban women made up only 19.2% of the workforce, but by 1999 this figure had increased to an impressive 43.2%. Today 60% of university graduates are women and of these 49% are science graduates. As for medicine, traditionally a citadel of male domination, no less than 74% of the graduates are women(Berbeo, 24). Women in pre-Revolutionary Cuba had achieved a more respectable status vis--vis men than women in any some other Latin American country, with the possible exceptions of Argentina and Uruguay(Alexander, 82). With regard to political rights, Cuban women received the vote in 1934.
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